Would appreciate any info or experiences on this subject...
a brother is disfellowshipped, 2 years later reinstated, five years later disfellowshipped again, immorality, 4 years later reinstated, becomes elder, 8 years later runs off with pioneer 16 yr old , divorces wife , dumps girl, remarrys 5 years later, appointed elder again, I believe due to the Buddy system, How many times do'es a person have to be disfellowshipped before they say NO to any priveledges let alone being an elder again ?
disfellowshipped elders reinstated
by jnc 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Makes Catholic confession seem like child's play, doesn't it?
"A religion that teaches lies cannot be true"--The Watchtower, 12/1/91 pg. 7 -
In a word, NEVER. The good old boy network will never end. As long as you can get all the CO-DO approval money can buy and have a few friends in high places. Typically it takes five years before a DF person can be recommended for elder again, three years for MS. If the BOE wants to move sooner they have to write a letter with the CO's approval and you have a good chance of getting them in before that time period. I guess my question would be, do you really expect justice or fairness from a completely corrupt organization?
If it's really true it is unbelievable.
G'day jnc,
I'm inclined to echo Sue's words: "If it's really true, it's unbelievable."
Are you sure of the facts in this matter? Sometimes, as you know, the facts get blurred in the re-telling.
Normally you would have to wait around 10 years before a re-instated brother was re-appointed. If that's applied to the person you mention, he would be quite elderly by now.
In answer to your question: "How many times do'es a person have to be disfellowshipped before they say NO to any priveledges let alone being an elder again ?", we would hope that the example of Christ would be followed. Remember that he counselled forgiveness "seventy-seven times". as we have become only too aware, the legalistic approach of the Borg results in long memories toward repentant sinners.
Ozzie"Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos -
Thanks for the replys, it's true alright, and I dont like the idea of him being an elder here, a challenge meeting to it has been set up in the very near future and I am researching the subject, but there is very little on it within the WTS's material I need solid scriptural argument, any help would be appreciated.
Hello everyone,
...back again !
Btw , as it was expressed already...if it true it is really
out of this world!! I think before posting thisd like this
one, one should check all facts...because one runs a great
risk , to have passed as real a load of r...!Agape, J.C.MacHislopp
I have heard of some bad stuff, but this is off the charts. I am still skeptical even when you say it is true. Now, I don't want to start a flame war. We have had too many of these lately. I am not calling you a liar. I would like to know the evidence for this situation. Were you an observer to his history? Is there good docuementation for all of these statements? It just doesn't compute for me.
Welcome back, Mac, we missed ya. You OK? Anyhow, put your feet up, have a nice espresso with me awhile.
Ozzie"Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos -
Hi all,
I am new to this site:
I have been following it for some weeks now.
I just had to comment here.I was an elder and now disfellowshipped.
My error. They were correct. No excuses. I did wrong.I am trying to get back-in.
The committee here is very strict. I have had two hearings.
in two years. I know now what I am to work on. My attitude.(Sue, I notice you have had an attitude problem. Could you also
be like me trying to fight it?)I really don't understand how this person could be appointed as an elder again. Or that anyone would want to appoint him. I would not want to work along side such a man. (thinking back to my 20 years as an elder).
jnc, I see you are not making a big thing here, but are concerned and so would I be. In my situation, I don't want to become an elder again. It is the furthest thing from my mind. I want to serve Jehovah again. I therefore do not understand the heart attitude of this person.