Jwbot. The women who is my mate our 'aniversary' is July 8 2003 is exactly like your self-description she works in Bangor.I sought her out because we are both strong willed.We are both happy together.We met at the YMCA on court street.Nice wonderful 45 year old worldly gal.
I protested to the elders at my last stand,(the Rockland Massachusetts Kingdum hell) about gross sexual harrassment from some sleazy 'sisters'. One 'sister' in particular borderlined on felony sexual assult.She would literally bend over and wiggle her fat ass IN the Kingdum hell.I would discribe her as,"Tammy faye Baker look-a-like only uglier".
Postcard - 2001 The elders reply was,"Danny they are the sisters,they want to make it look like your chasing them...."Thats verbal assult and sexual assult too. Ya know,i now attend a very liberal church of 'christendom'( babylon the great ) and i am truly amazed how much human kindness is exchanged at my church compared to dog-eat-dog Jehovah's Witnesses. MORE: Adventures in the field service CARRYING ON IN THE CAR-GROUP; Sexual harrasment,sanctified by'sacred service'.OR Consecrated gossip. The Elder known as the "stupid" Elder,(Jeffery Damher look alike),( but don't forget,he's still 'apointed by the Holy spirit')Asked me;..." Have YOU BEEN OUT WITH THE SISTERS YET"??? Hmmmmm,I wonder what that's suppose to mean??? Actually,my first take was that it's a sexual connotation of some sort..... I should have known something was up when getting out to the parking lot the 'sisters' where perched and hovered, like birds of prey. The first thing they let me know,is," sisters rule, brothers drool ".This is followed up by,'the sister who acts like a teenager;.[man eater slut]Letting me know she is on her period so, I can calculate when her 'horny' day will be. I hold women in high reverence,nevertheless dog shit is dog shit.