Yes it is disgusting. The boys deserved better. When a parent or guardian treats one child (in this case her biological child) better than she treated these boys then how on earth can you say it wasn't intentional. Favoritism is an intentional act by a parent to punish a child and make them feel unworthy.
I by no means support this sentence. But I may offer some ideas why.
Canada is notoriously behind when it comes to dealing with child abuse legally. In protection and treatment is it probably quite similar to the US. But the laws have not caught up to the rest of the system in treatment and protection.
Based on the laws that may be in existence (and I'm not a lawyer so don't quote me) the problems of pleading down, reducing charges and ancient laws may tie the judges hands.
When I took my father to court for 3 yrs of sexual abuse he was given the standard 3 yr suspended sentence and a $50 fine. That was back in the 60's. I know of other cases around that time and since then that the same kind of slap-on-the-wrist sentences were handed down.
We need to change our laws. We need to educate people about abuse - what is it exactly not generally. We need to educate the police force and the criminal justice sytem about the incredible damage done by abuse and how it is the foundation of so many of our social problems. We need to offer free treatment to the victims and make sure the abuser are not out on the street free to harm others.
We definitely need to educate our judges but they still can only do so much unless we work to change the laws they use to decide their cases
My heart goes out to these boys and to the other children in the family. Watching this had to have an impact on them too.
This judge in particular needs an education badly