I think that some of the idea of powerful revenge or even silly revenge came to me when I read the story of a woman who was cheated on by her husband. She lost all to include the home she decorated. While there removing the few things she was allowed to remove. She took frozen tiny baby shrimp and sewed them into the hem of the heavy curtains.
She said she still laughs to this day because they had a hard time figuring out where the rotten smell was coming from. To the point of steam cleaning the room and then replacing the carpet thinking something must have been spilled on the carpet. I can?t remember where I read it but I laughed for some time after. LOL
LOL, Cassi!
.....btw...that "rotting shrimp in the curtains" story ends with the newly-weds (the xhubby & his new wife) moving, making sure they took everything with them, including the curtains...heh
I have a coupla lil ol' revenge stories m'self....back when I was much younger and full o' piss 'n vinegar, yanno
When I worked for a police dept in Maryland, there was a Lt. over the juvenile squad (where I worked) that was putting godawful pressure on me and writing me up for being late so often....as it was I was working TWO jobs, the one at the copshop and another parttime in the evenings in the payroll/personnel data processing office of a local food chain. THEN I'd hafta go BACK in to the office of the PD to work on juvenile statistics for the county, because there was such chaos there during the day, I couldn't concentrate on the stats, so I went back in the evening after I finished my pt work when it was much quieter. In addition to this, it was during the time that Women's Lib got "lift off" and women were beginning to get their "wings".....ergo, I had applied to another county P.D., taken the entrance exam, aced the test and was accepted. I believed then and know now that a LOT of the pressure was because the whole department KNEW the precedent I'd set and some were taking action against me.
Sooooooooo.....being privvy to all the interdepartmental gossip and rumors and what was really happening and who was "screwing over" who, I told my best friend, who was the personal secretary to the MAJOR....(we called him "Uncle Monty")....I went in there and dumped the whole "enchillada" in his lap and the sheeeee-it hit da fan!
The Capt. over CID called me down to the Academy. He was red in the face and angry that I'd taken it outside his jurisdiction and over his head. I reminded him that his OWN unwritten but often-heard rule that absolutely NO ONE was allowed to lodge an interdepartmental complaint against anyone in a command position without going through the chain of command had prevented my complaint from being handled through normal channels. I asked him if he could imagine me going to the Sgt in my office first, telling him I wished to speak to the Lt. about lodging a complaint against the Lt.'s oversight of the Juvenile Squad. He simmered down. And I told him, too, about how the Lt. was a well-educated officer with a LOT of knowledge, but absolutely NO rapport with the "troops".....more than half of the juvie personnel had already put in for transfers...the Lt. had a dept. vehicle for his own use, but it was SUPPOSED to be for departmental use only. The Lt. would use it to drive back and forth to work and God only knew what else. He NEVER called on the other branches of the juvie squad to establish a rapport with his men, but would often call in that he was going to be late, because he was "stopping by" the station nearest his residence to check on the men there. (which he often didn't) It was just an excuse for being late, for which he was allegedly jumping my case. The fact that more than half the men HAD indeed put in for transfers out of juvie bore my story out. Also, there was their "token female" sgt. in juvie that caused a LOT of angst among the troups and was a veteran "shit-stirrer". She was "dead wood" they needed to shuffle off to Buffalo. When I finished relating my complaint, the Capt. begged me to hold on and wait a little bit, that it would be resolved.
I went back to my office, put in for two weeks vacation (which was owed me) with pay and submitted my resignation. I spent another week there before my vacation time kicked in and watched the Lt. ace the Capt.'s exam and get "passed over", then watched him get transferred to the Academy into a teaching position. During this time, the "token female" Sgt. was also transferred to the personnel dept. at the Academy. I'll betcha I gave 'em "Something to Talk About" for a lonnnnnnng, lonnnnnnng time, eh?
The second story occurred when I began working as an exotic dancer in Dallas. There were six of us that were dancers. The manager of the club at which I was working had a wife, who also worked there as a dancer. She was German and was a total "bitch". They had a little scam going.....they would make us all line up in chairs near the front door and the way it was SUPPOSED to go is that the first dancer in line got the next customer coming thru the door and so on down the line, so that everyone was SUPPOSED to get an equal chance to make money off the fake champagne sales. BUT.....we weren't supposed to know that they were making the waitress locate the ones with money coming thru the door so the manager's wife would get them (she NEVER sat in line with us, but was always "busy" at a table) as her customer, ergo she was making more money than all the rest of us put together. In order to prevent us from taking the customer, the owner would call the first dancer in line for her time to dance, if the customer had money, so his wife would get the customer. Then he jumped on me and another dancer for poor sales and told us we'd be fired if we did poorly through the end of the week. How could we do otherwise?
What they didn't realize is that the waitress (she was the one who trained me, both to dance and how to sell the champagne and what to beware of), who was one of Jack Ruby's girls didn't LIKE what they were doing to us, cause it was hurting her, too. It seems the manager's wife, while she was gouging the customer for all the money he could spend on her, short-shrifted the waitress on tips....it's supposed to be a "symbiotic" relationship between the dancers and waitresses in a "clip joint", ya see. The waitress helps the dancers sell and get rid of the fake champagne...and the dancers, in turn, work the customers for huge tips for the waitress.....Soooooooooo.....since I had confided in the waitress about having worked for the police department in Maryland and what had transpired there, she approached me and told me that I would have to get all the other dancers together and go to the owner, requesting a meeting at his home/office and then ALL of us would hafta tell our story about what was going on there....it would hafta be a "group effort" or it wouldn't work. So I approached each of the other dancers privately and elicited an address and telephone number and a promise to go to the owner with me the next day.
I was fired that night, left the club and went home with my costumes in hand, having already made an appointment with the owner for a meeting with us. The next morning, I got in my car, picked up the waitress and squeezed the other 5 dancers into my '66 Malibu and went to the owner's home where his office was. Now the owner's mother was the bookkeeper for his company and you SHOULDA seen the look on her face when she opened the door to 7 tarts standing in their doorway....She turned around to her son and said, "they're ALL here!" I think they were surprised.
The results? After telling the owner all our stories and about the two of us being fired, the owner told us to arrive that night at the usual time with our costumes and watch the fireworks. When we arrived that evening, before the manager could say a word, the owner had arrived, fired his mangy butt, and told his wife that she could continue working, but ONLY if she agreed to work WITH the rest of us, instead of against us. She meekly agreed to do so. Also, the owner's brother came to work there as manager and we began a steady relationship, but that's another story.
Frannie B