?Sweet Revenge?

by Cassiline 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • desib77

    Way to go, Cassi!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Where did we read the story? For the life of me I can't remember! I had forgotten about them moving and taking the curtians!! LMAO

    Oh and BTW you can bow anytime!! I liked that, now I feel powerful for the day! lol I love the story about the club and the firing. Do tell about the rest of the story. Sounds juicy.

    Cassi, I got my copy of that story in an email, but I don't remember the circumstances...sorry.

    Yup! You da Ma'am! LOL!

    I will tell you another story about revenge in the club....later on down the line, maybe a coupla years later, I was filling in as waitress/Manager one night, which I often did by then. At the time, there were 3 sisters from Ft. Worth, who drove over to work in our club, because of it's prominent location and our affluent clientele (near Love Field, which was in operation at the time). Well, the oldest didn't dance, but just worked the tables for a lesser commission off of her sales.

    That particular night my b/friend had come to the club and I was watching the "floor" tending the customers and dancers and sat down for a few minutes to chat with my b/friend while things were quiet.....I had just brought a 5th to the oldest sister's table about 5 mins. before that.....evidently, she got upset because I chose to sit for a few minutes and jumped up from her table, taking the empty bottle (!!!!!) to the bar for a replacement. I jumped up, went to the counter and asked her if I could help.....She told me "No, I've got it."......Well, "FINE!" I thought to myself......and I watched her continue to do this for about 30 mins.....continuing to refuse my help. So I decided two could play this game....if she was gonna cut MY tips, I could return the favor.....she forgot who trained me....and the fact that the waitress is the FIRST person to interact with the customers when they enter the club.

    I got busy with the other tables and all the customers and it's the strangest thing.....for some unknown reason, absolutely NO ONE would allow that woman in the red dress to sit at their tables for the rest of the night, because "she was just some street "ho" that popped in there and was trying to hustle the customers and get them to meet her so her b/friend could beat 'em up and roll them for their money, etc." (Honest to goodness, most of the dancers were wives and had kids and didn't even DATE the customers, we'd just promise 'em the moon to get 'em to spend their money.) Needless to say, it didn't take very long before she got pissed and left, glaring at me as she went out the door.

    But just to let yall know that I was fair about the matter, that Saturday night, I was working the bar and running the shows when she arrived just to pick up her check. As I handed her the check, I told her why I did what I did....that she was rushing the customer and had deliberately cut off my tips at that table. I said, "Now you can quit, but you're not gonna make any money that way....or you can come back and try what you did again, but you've already seen, you're not gonna make any money THAT way either....but then neither am I....so here's what we'll do....you come back, we'll work the tables together and we'll BOTH make money." She agreed and the next time I came back after my night off, I brought her favorite, a bottle of Tequila (worm included) and some salt and lemons.....we got along fine after that.

    Frannie B

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    I told them working for a perv was not fun.....can you say the shit hit the fan. They had needed a "good employee" to confirm the complaints from others (including the new store he had been in all of a week)

    Well, that night I got a call from the jerk he was going to honor my request and wanted me to come to Manchester to get the money LOL I told him you know where I live we are leaving in the morning me here...HE brought the money to the house....

    I found out from a good friend he also got gift certificats and Red Sox tickets for my fellow teammates.......he also lost his career with Lechmere

    Sheila!!! You da Ma'am, too, chere! LOL! Way ta go, Sheila!

    Frannie B

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    The only time I ever got revenge was on an old boyfriend. He was cheating on me, so I pretended I wanted to screw, and then stuck a big gob of IcyHot in the condom and put it on him. While he was agonizing in the shower, I cleaned out all my things from his aptment and left without so much as a goodbye.

    Ciara!!! Way ta go, chere! I like yer style!

    Frannie B

  • ApagaLaLuz
    of Mexican paper Peso?s which equaled 100 US dollars. I think his face is still as red as it was then when he realized he did not specify American paper money

    That's brilliant!! I dont think I've ever really done revenge.

    Well this weekend I went out with friends, who brought their greedy little friends. We went to a place where you can buy a "bucket ol' beer" which is litterally a bucket filled with ice and 6 bottles of beer for $12.00. I bought the a bucket (for myself). I drank one beer and the greddy bastards drank the rest when I was away from the table. So I politely bought ANOTHER bucket. This time I had one beer and the greedy bastards again drank the rest. So I bought one LAST bucket, but before I went back to the table I took a drink outta each bottle and licked the necks. moral of the story is, pitch in for the goddamn beer next time. Does that count as revenge?

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    So I bought one LAST bucket, but before I went back to the table I took a drink outta each bottle and licked the necks. moral of the story is, pitch in for the goddamn beer next time. Does that count as revenge?

    LOL, Chevy! Sounds like "an ounce of prevention" to me....did they drink 'em? Did you tell 'em?

    Frannie B

  • Yerusalyim


    PLEASE tell the story is 100% true. WOOOHOOOO!

    Not for nothing, but if you hand a sardine from a hook inside a light switch on the wall...it takes ages to find the source of the smell....never mind.

  • Cassiline

    PLEASE tell the story is 100% true. WOOOHOOOO!

    My story is 100 percent true Yeru, and I would not lie to a chaplin!!

    Now if you are speaking of the lady with the baby shrimp, I read it somewhere--not on the net as Frannie did but a magazine like Good House Keeping.


  • Cassiline
    ....you come back, we'll work the tables together and we'll BOTH make money." She agreed and the next time I came back after my night off, I brought her favorite, a bottle of Tequila (worm included) and some salt and lemons.....we got along fine after that.

    A good story Frannie with a great outcome. I think if at the time I were better at expressing myself perhaps it would have never come to me lugging 200 pounds of pennies from my home to his office.
    Live and learn eh?

    I politely bought ANOTHER bucket. This time I had one beer and the greedy bastards again drank the rest. So I bought one LAST bucket, but before I went back to the table I took a drink outta each bottle and licked the necks. moral of the story is, pitch in for the goddamn beer next time. Does that count as revenge?


    Damn girl you have patience after the first round I would have quit buying the buckets and only bought myself one, yes I think that counts as revenge and will even more so when you tell them what you did!


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    A good story Frannie with a great outcome. I think if at the time I were better at expressing myself perhaps it would have never come to me lugging 200 pounds of pennies from my home to his office.
    Live and learn eh?

    LOL, Cassi! Thanks! Nope, you expressed yourself with actions that spoke a lot louder and better than any words you could have thought of....it was a wonderful experience, I'm sure....I hope to achieve those heights of revenge over a scumlord one day

    Frannie B

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