like all those people who bought tickets to Farenheit 911- duped into thinking it was a documentary
Not me! I downloaded a copy off the internet... I'm not about to give that man any of my money.
by Elsewhere 15 Replies latest jw friends
...Yeah, F 911 really bombed... $60 mil already, the most watched and profitable documentary (Yes, it is) ever, could break the 100 mil barrier domestic...finished second last weekend, only behind spidey 2.
I've heard a few "we need a rightwing MM!" But how many would watch docu about whitewater and Lewinski? Then again, Richard Mellon Sciafe would just buy out a bunch of theaters' runs and prop it up to the top 5 list, like he does with Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham books.
Badger, of the "Watched Spiderman 2 and F 9/11 on the same day" class
Happens to the best of us...just like all those people who bought tickets to Farenheit 911- duped into thinking it was a documentary...not realizing Moore was telling the "truth" but not the TRUTH! I point to the HAVES AND HAVE MORES Comment as one example among many.
Oh, DO edify us!
Please, list everything in Mr. Moore's movie that was a falsehood. And be sure to back up your claims with facts.