Contributions? Wait On Jehovah!

by metatron 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2

    To all those who think my description of the world situation (back a few posts) is crazy:

    I have worked on my beliefs long and hard. Can you come up with something better that resolves the various dichotomies in trying to preserve as much of the Bible's value and at the same time face the best of scientific evidence.

    Is it wacky to believe in aliens instead of angels and demons? Is it wacky to believe that angels and demons may have actually been material beings with an advanced technology? Do we have any more proof that angels and demons exist than that material beings from an advanced society exist?

    Something is clearly wrong with this stage of human and cultural evolution. Is it crazy to attribute this to our intrinsic selfishness as evolved organisms? Evoltuion teaches us that selfishness is the main motor to evolutionary variation. Predators develop sharper teeth and claws and stronger jaws and faster speed to continue to eat their prey. Prey develop offensive odors, stronger armor, menacing quills, speed, toxic glands, protective coloration to evade their predators. Nations develop similarly. When will all this selfishness come to an end? In a nuclear holocaust or perhaps a collision with an asteroid that will set evolution into a new direction? The only hope is if a more learned "big brother" shows us how the way out.

    Then you have the Bible. What's wrong with viewing it as a history of world cultures in transition? Do you have to believe in it as the ignorant writers did or can some of it be salvaged. As it stands the fundamentalist approach is totally crazy. At least I try to salvage some of the Bible.

    Although most interpretations of prophesies have been wrong due to premature assertions there IS a coherent picture that has emerged recently.

    The death of the Soviet Union = Slaughter of the seventh head of the Rev. 13 beast.

    The appearance of the revived beast as a tame lamb. The re-emergence of the true nature of Russia - totalitarian regime determined to dominate the world. (Read a little besides american press - Putin is a dangerous man who presided over the bombing of Moscow residents to justify the Chechen war.)

    The richest entity to ever dominate the earth Babylon the Great (USA). Her merchants (Haliburton etc.) are the top ranking men of the earth. The USA fornication with elites in various lands that results in lavish life-styles for USA stooge leaders to the detriment of their people.

    The prophecy about the "holy ones" who get out of Babylon the Great and are spared from her destruction.

    The 10 CIS nations (Former Soviet Republics) who never have received empire but who eventually see an advantage to cooperate with Russia and finally destroy the Harlot (USA).

    The destruction of Babylon The Great. The devastation of her riches that make all those with merchant ships weep over their loss of their major buyer.

    This is not any crazier than belief in Jesus Christ, The Flood, Resurrection. In fact it shows the Bible has some relevance yet at the same time allows for our updated scientific view of the universe.

    When New York City is nuked by an alleged "terrorist" bomb we will all look at this a little differently. We will have time while the USA determines that the Russian King of the North Anti-Christ - Putin - is responsible. But after that its curtains for the USA and her inhabitiants.

  • Sunspot

    **You are defending war? Are you defending the war in Iraq?


    I don't defend "wars" or A war as such. Funny how I anticipated this worthless attack and should have addressed it. I'm defending the "rights" of others who are trying to protect others versus a heartless organization that claims to speak for God. (AND the damage it does to nice folks)

    If you cannot respect *belong* in an environment such as the WTS, where you can be subservient to them. As far as this thread is concerned, I think that I'll join "have at it".

  • metatron

    Proplog, I will resist the urge to offer ridicule and simply point out my own experience

    in reading a LOT of "channeled" or "alien" statements. You can't rely on any of it, period.

    If aliens are out there, looking down at us, they have their own manipulative stories to tell.

    There's always some dire prediction or warning about pollution or whatnot from somebody

    that had an encounter. I can't see any logic whatsoever in trying to hold to Bible "prophecy"

    while simultaneously thinking that it all came from aliens. Yes, I think we are being

    manipulated from afar, but getting the details straight as to why and towards what

    we can only guess at.


  • proplog2


    I don't believe in ALL alien stories. But I had an experience with a fly over of a UFO craft. It was witnessed by about a dozen people. I interviewed neighbors to make sure of the facts.

    It consisted of a house rattling sound in the sky that lasted about 20 minutes. Normally jets fly past our house toward the airport in a 15 second interval. This event hurt my wifes ears because she was on the top floor. One of my kids saw a bright almost blinding light fly by at tree top level and immediately the loud sound stopped.

    I don't think these visitors are from distant space. More likely they use some more conventional craft to navigate in earths atmosphere and then they link up with a beam that transports them to some parallel "close-by" dimension. We will probably be able to do the same in the near future.

    I checked with police departments. I checked with FAA. They ruled out harrier type jets. It appears vertical take-off uses so much fuel that hovering for 20 minutes would be impossible. But the sound was like a whole fleet of large passenger jets slowly moving from SW to NE over our neighborhood.

    I have done a lot of searching on the internet and have found that others have had similar (back into the 1960's) experiences with slow moving craft several hundred feet long that made a thunderous noise and then took off in a flash of light. One possibility is that these craft have to go through a refractory period of energy generation to jump "dimensions". So they just hover in an area to get pumped up.

    We shall see whatever we shall see.

  • Sunspot

    **But I had an experience with a fly over of a UFO craft.

    I decided to jump back on in since we're not discussing the glowing qualities of te WTS now.

    You mentioned loud noises in connection with the unknown aircraft. (Sounds better than "UFO" which people have a hard time seriously talking about,as technically correct as it may be)

    How about ones that are eerily quiet---and all wildlife is suddenly quiet as well?

    Can you recall the event(s) clearly?



  • Sunspot

    Shucks---I can't stick around to wait for replies. I promised to get off here and go watch Big Brother and Amazing Race with my hubby! I probably won't get back on here until morning......keep the light on and coffee on the stove!


  • proplog2


    I recall all of it. No missing time...

    I have always been casually interested in UFO's. After all its better than science fiction. Even though the Watchtower suggested that these events were halluciantions caused by demons.

    I always read about UFO's that were silent. But apparently the loud ones aren't rare events.

    The guy from the Airport Noise Abatement returned my call the day after this event. I described the noise to him. He said there is nothing in the sky that would make a jet sound for 20 minutes. He then said he doesn't handle UFO cases. I quickly told him that I didn't say anything about UFO's. In fact I told him I didn't believe in UFOs. He told me that he did and that what I heard I will probably never hear again in my life. Weird.

  • SAHS


    I don't believe in ALL alien stories. But I had an experience with a fly over of a UFO craft. . . . I have always been casually interested in UFO's.

    Let me guess?you bought the complete episode collection of The X-Files. Some of your narration sort of reminds me of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.

    The death of the Soviet Union = Slaughter of the seventh head of the Rev. 13 beast.

    The appearance of the revived beast as a tame lamb. The re-emergence of the true nature of Russia - totalitarian regime determined to dominate the world.

    Correct me if I?m wrong, but according to the book Revelation?Its Grand Climax At Hand!, isn?t the seventh head of the wild beast really the dual Anglo-American world power, which received a ?death stroke? but revived, and which also corresponds with the two-horned wild beast (that seems like a lamb and speaks ?grandiose things,? but acts like a dragon)? So how do you relate that to the former Soviet Union? I thought that was simply one of the manifestations of the King of the North.


  • waiting

    well, well. back to the original portion of this thread.........yeah, by my tag "waiting"......I was told to "wait. wait. wait. wait. wait." lol - 5 years later......still "waiting."

    It hasn't worked. After a year of waiting (oh, the Society told the CO not to talk further with us. They'd "handle them.")

    That was when I first went to the internet and typed in "Jehovah's Witnesses." Got on with my life.

    Some poor JW's have waited their entire lives instead of doing something....anything! One elder told me "It doesn't matter if it takes 100 years......STILL wait on Jehovah."

    In other words..."Do nothing."

    Well, if that's the case, then the same "Do nothing" attitude should serve monitarily. The WTBTS can show THEIR faith in Jehovah by waiting on him to "correct matters" or "clean house" or "show his brilliance".

    Good post, met!


    ps: Pro? I thought the "Mothman Prophecy" was a fascinating movie....bunch of "what if?"

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