Awww, Nina, I feel for you guys. My daughter is the family puker...always in the middle of the night. I'm always so wrecked the next day from lack of sleep and middle of the night clean up.
Andi said:
I was the oldest of 3 and 11 years older than my siblings. It was great being an only child for that long, but baby brothers really sapped the maternal instinct out of me. I realized at a very young age that babies are not the sweet romantic thing many new mothers assume. They were a lot of work and I don't really have the desire to go through that again.
My mom had my younger brother when I was 10. I know exactly what you mean. I babysat an infant and knew all about the reality of caring for a baby. I swore I'd never have one. Steve and I were married seven years before we decided to have kids. I think waiting is one of the smartest things we did.
I was 26 and Steve was 36 when Rhys was born. We are very active and drag the kids along to watch us run and bike in different events. We have a lot of fun. I wish I was more patient and I work on it. I think if I were starting right now, I'd be less freaked out by the chaos of kids...but I think that comes from having them for eight years.
If I don't ever have a child, I think I'd be okay. I'm working on overcoming the guilt that comes with that. Many people think it selfish of me.
My sister-in-law and her husband decided not to have kids and they are happy with the decision. My mother-in-law however, is not happy with it. It's one of those things that is your decision and not anyone else's.
You are still can change your mind, or become more comfortable with your decision not to have children. It's good both ways.