NWT Hides the Divine Name as Found in W&H

by [email protected] 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NWT@Cutlip.Org
    [email protected]

    NWT Hides the Divine Name as Found in W&H

    One of the foremost features of the 1948 Macmillan edition of the W&H Greek text is the careful identification and indication of ?Quotations From the Old Testament.? In addition to listing these passages and phrases ?together with references to the places from which they are derived? on pages 601-618, they are ?marked by uncial [ ALL CAPITAL ] type in the text.? So, by observing where W&H used this special ?uncial? typeface, readers can easily spot OT quotations and (if they desire) look up the source in the back. This feature of the W&H text is invaluable in ?determining where the inspired Christian writers have quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures,? yet it does not appear in KIT .

    Many translators, such as William F. Beck (The New Testament in the Language of Today: An American Translation), have incorporated this feature into their English translations. Why didn?t the NWT ?

    Could it be that KIT omits the special uncial typeface in order to omit or hide the unique, divine name of the Sovereign L ORD of the universe? In the W&H text this name is identifiable in quotations by a special type. Ancient Hebrew scribes also identified this name using special typefaces in the manuscripts they produced. Modern readers of English translations such as Beck?s can also easily locate this name in the OT quotations in the NT. Readers of the NWT , however, are unaware that some uses of the distinctive name of the Supreme Deity are obscured in the translation they use.

    Why was W&H not listed as a J-Document? Surely, it qualifies far more than some of those listed. The special typeface employed by W&H (but omitted in KIT ) makes it easy for anyone to ?determine the identity to give to kyrios and theos, and make appropriate use of the personal name.? Consider the following quotations from the LXX:

    • 2Th 1:9 ??from before the L ORD and from the glory of his strength, at the time he comes??
    • He 1:10 (the Father to the Son) ?You, at the beginning, O L ORD , laid the foundations??
    • 1P 2:3 (speaking of the rejected Stone) ?you have tasted that the L ORD is kind.?
    • 1P 3:15 ?But the L ORD (who is Christ) you must sanctify??
    The W&H text makes it clear that these are OT quotations and that L ORD appears in them. If the average JW were to discover this, what might happen? If the WT translator(s) had followed the "Jehovah" translation rule and translated these quotations using ?Jehovah,? the truth would get out. They couldn?t have that! So they removed the W&H special uncial ( ALL CAPITAL ) typeface that identified quotations containing the divine name, thus effectively hiding the divine name from those claiming to stand for it.

    Watchtower, stop hiding the name!

    [email protected]


      • Satanus

        Just make sure i understand correctly, the westcot and hort shows that the nt writers quoted ot passages pertaining to yahweh, and applied them to jesus? If this is the case, it would be very interesting to get all of the nt vss containing the divine uncials together.


      • JamesThomas

        "The name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name" (I Ching).

        Could it be that our Source/God is bigger than names?

        Bigger and greater than the things-named -- which manifest from it?


      • NWT@Cutlip.Org
        [email protected]
        Satanus Re: NWT Hides the Divine Name as Found in W&H

        Just make sure i understand correctly, the westcot and hort shows that the nt writers quoted ot passages pertaining to yahweh, and applied them to jesus?

        Absolutely Correct!

        [email protected]


      • gumby

        Believe in the Trinity you evil Watchtower people......or die baby!!!!!


      • NWT@Cutlip.Org
        [email protected]

        Hey Gumby,

        You brought up Trinity, not me! I just listed some Bible verses which quote the OT and apply the Name to Jesus. You remember him? The guy with the Name Above Every Name!

        Should facts be threatening? I don't see why.


      • Satanus

        This actually has nothing to do w trinity. This is more a duality, a bilocation, bi-entity, dualist, dualism. From a purely historical angle, i find this very interesting.


      • gumby

        SS....quit gettin so spiritually sentimental on me ya bastard and become a bitter bible guy like me....will ya?

        The guy with the Name Above Every Name!

        Should facts be threatening? I don't see why.

        Good point! Why don't you look up the "facts" on just WHERE this name came from and see if it didn't originate BEFORE the hebrew/jews....and had a pagan backround. His name was BELOW other gods when he first started out......he got 'bigger' as time went on Start with the "Ugarits"


      • Satanus

        Hey gumbabble

        I'm not becoming a believer or anything. This is another nail in the wt coffin. See? If this is true, it means that they messed more w the bible, and are further from following it than the churches are. It doesn't mean that the bible is true. That's another discussion entirely.

        Hey wanna go to a catholic church? Just kidding.


      • Sweetp0985

        My lil piece of proof that they messed with the bible is John 1:1 and when you ask them about this they get all mad when they can't really explain it. John 1:1 in many other bibles refer to the Word being God. Ex. In the beginning was the Word, Word was with God, Word WAS God!....NWT says for the last part, The Word was A god. And like many people besides me says. If most of the bible (NWT) makes it very clear that Jehovah is THE ONLY TRUE GOD and then in John 1:1 is says WORD=JESUS was A god. Does that make Jesus a false god. You can't have 2 gods if only one is true. Ask them about this and they say Jesus was a lesser god. SO he still must be false if only one is true. So then they would have to rewrite the scripture to say "The Word was A LESSER GOD" but that would still make the other scriptures wrong that says Jehovah is the only true god..So then it would have to read a little something like this...The Word was A LESSER FALSE GOD. Not in a million years would they change the bible to read that, but that's basically what they're saying with what they have written.

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