Provocative Post DY,please pardon my rant,this topic really bites me hard.
The Haszard family legacy.
My Dad began full time pioneering in 1951 with an adjusted for inflation nest egg of $50,000.He formed the original start up Bridgewater Massachusetts USA Kingdom Hall.
Married in 1956 flat broke and busted and the Haszard family has been broken ever since.....
Read all about my disastrously dysfunctional Jehovah's Witness family @
Watchtower 'Golden parachute Plan'for the 'faithful' aka 'geeks'
My catchphrase for the WT$ leaders is."Charlie Manson without the look".
Think about it,Millions defrauded of their assets! No retirement plan,no pension plan for all the faithful JW's who,"kept the day of Jehovah close in mind".[ BOTH SETS of my JW grandparents]
Contented with their meager JW cottage industries like washing windows etc.
Oh, and the biggie Premature deaths due to poor healhcare.Not caring for their chronic heath concerns like hypertension etc.That's mass murder!
I already got a colostomy bag at age 38 for poor healthcare attributed to the 1975 default.I never got my teeth straightened as a child because God was gonna give me new choppers any day.
Ray Franz,in,"In search of Christian freedom".touched on lifetime Circuit overseers put out to pasture without even a severence plan.
Growing old in the Watchtower's," spiritual paradise " it really s**ks big time doesn't it.
If there is a hell,may it burn hot for you [fraud for god] watchtower bastards.