Pedophile JC Analysis

by Amazing 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • messenger

    Hey humble, perhaps you need to reread my post, it appears you did not get the point. Please meditate and ponder the information carefully. Hopefully you will come to understand, it was simply my opinion of you. Perhaps I could condense it a little more into just one sentence. Read carefully and focus your attention on this:


    Do you understand now dickhead?

    If so, fuck you very much.

  • SixofNine

    Humble said:

    If that molester was never disfellowshipped, that would bring reproach

    Of course, if he/she is repentant, he/she should NOT be disfellowshipped. Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice religion.

    And they may well be repentant, but that does not mean they are not a danger to children in the future.

    Humble asked an interesting question up the line: "can a child molester ever be reformed?" That is what is SO chilling about the Societies response, especially the recent letter to elders in England. They are so cavalier about having these people in the congregation as elders/ms's. Yet, facts show that child molesters are almost never reformed. It may be that on occasion, a child molester is reformed to the point of not being a danger, but no one can say they know how to achieve that on a consistant basis. It is very rare, if it happens at all.

    One gets the idea that Witnesses, especially the leadership, chalk it up to spiritual deficiency, ie. "he got better! why shouldn't he serve again?"

    Of course, they chalk every problem up to "spiritual deficiency". That is why their system is falling apart at the seams. It doesnt' work, and it is based on silly, false premises.

  • AlanF

    Humble Pie lied:

    : Your insults shows proof of why Jehovah cleansed the organization of you.

    As is normal with JWs, you have it backwards. I cleansed myself of the organization by quitting. I am neither DF'd nor DA'd. Since your organization teaches that DF'ing is merely an earthly reflection of what has already been decided in heaven, then by your own teaching I am not disapproved by God, even though I've done things that would get most JWs DF'd.

    All of which goes to show that no God has anything to do with your sick organization or with sickos like you.

    Good Lord! You haven't even the integrity to respond to questions you yourself pose. You're disgusting.


  • Billygoat


    Just out of would your congregation feel about you posting on this website? Are you not endangering your relationship with Jehovah by exposing yourself to apostates and their opinions?


  • ianao


    I don't think that because a Witness is prosecuted for being a child molester brings reproach to Jehovah or his organization.

    Good for you humble! Now convince your governing body of the same thing (without getting kicked out of your "religion" and losing your friends and family) and you will be getting somewhere! That will cease the need to quiet the victims from talking to the police and maybe get them on-track to getting actual help for the abuse they've endured!

    Humble, the JWs would be MUCH better off if more like YOU were on the governing body. Maybe with folks such as yourself making the calls the witness cult could defer back to the alternative religion it was to start with.

  • alamb

    For those who asked: I was molested from ages 6-8 by one elder. My father (another elder and PO) took over at 13 and didn't stop until I moved out. I brought it to the attention of local elders the week I moved since my brother was still in the home and a minor. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN. No elders meeting was ever called and I was never questioned as to what had happened. My father admitted to his actions. No authorities were notified although I had been assured all legal aspects would "be handled." 4 years later my father told me never to mention that it had occurred more than once...which of course it had. I AGAIN reported it to the elders who, this time, asked for a meeting with me. My father confessed to everything. NO ACTION TAKEN. He now babysits for sisters on Bible studies. I have alerted over 20 elders to this situation. NO ACTION TAKEN.
    Humble: How exactly is Jehovah overseeing this situation?

  • waiting

    Dear Messenger,

    Would you please shut up so that those who would actually like to have a conversation can do so without your obscenities? It's crude and does nothing but scream of your inability to converse as an adult.

    Hey Humble

    , let me throw out a question to debate: Can a child molester ever be reformed?

    From the books I have read (many years therepy & reading), it's incredibly difficult for a child molester to reform. There are different kinds of child molesters - and we on forums don't designate enough as to these different kinds. Some would have a better ratio of abstaining than others. But it would be an *abstaining* instead of reform, imho.

    I have tried to answer your question - now mine? When a child molester *falls off the wagon* - who suffers the most? The next child or children. Is it fair to put children in harm's way just in case our faith in a child molester proves to be false?

    From what I've read, a repeat child molester is a different animal than a murderer. It is a compulsion, or perhaps a sexual appetite, or it fills a need, or lets out aggression, whatever. The main point being - a child molester turns to an innocent child for his needs/gratification. That is unacceptable - and the chance of repeat are tremendous.

    Btw, what you and the Legal Department did in Texas is to be commended. Congratulations. If the WTBTS Legal Department gave that same advice, even encouraged, elders worldwide to do the same - I truly believe that there would be less cases spoken of here. But, alas, they don't. The Legal Department goes state by state in the usa. Soooooo, if you lived in a state where you didn't have to report it to police - the Legal Department most likely would have told you to not report it. That's what they did in Indiana and South Carolina in my situation.

    If it's the correct, ethical thing to do - it should be that way across the board - for the good of our innocent children.

    Hang in there, Humble. I enjoy talking with you. If you like, my e-mail is listed. My husband doesn't like me making the first move on strange men - elders or not.

    After twelve years of therapy, my pyschiatrist said something that brought tears to my eyes. He said "No hablo ingles." Ronnie Shakes


  • Amazing

    Just a side thought Waiting. In California, it has been State law for over 50 years that sex offenders register with the local authorities. The Society will dutifully announce each year that young JW men register for the 'Draft' to comply with Caesar's laws, but they have never in California seen to it that sex offenders in their religion are resgistered. Fascinating. - Amazing

  • dedalus

    Hi Humble,

    Dedalus: Gal. 6:7

    Gal. 6:7: Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

    Well, God [Jehover, that is] is mocked, because I have in fact mocked him, not that I matter so much. More than that, he mocks himself with his own behavior; he mocks himself by being more degenerate and loathsome than the most evil human being on the face of the planet.

    Whatever a man sows, he will reap? You mean, like defending pedophiles in the Organization and attacking those who want to stop the problem?


  • waiting

    Well, Amazing.......

    In California, it has been State law for over 50 years that sex offenders register with the local authorities. The Society will dutifully announce each year that young JW men register for the 'Draft' to comply with Caesar's laws, but they have never in California seen to it that sex offenders in their religion are resgistered. Fascinating. -Amazing

    No, that's amazing. If the WTBTS were really above board about all this - wanting to help the child molester and protect innocent children from rape/molestation - it would seem that the WTBTS would demand that an announcement be made - and follow up to make sure it's done *religiously.*



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