I got myself snipped.

by maxwell 35 Replies latest social family

  • maxwell

    I wasn't sure where to post this, but since it has to do with family planning in a permanent sort of way, I am posting here. I have stated on two previous threads, that were about the choice to have or not have children, that I was planning on getting a vasectomy. Well I did it. About a month ago I went to see the urologist and I got scheduled for the procedure which I went in for on last Friday. So my family is now permanently a family of two.

    Anyways it was a very short procedure. It took 45 minutes only because the urologist was going slowly to show a resident how it is done. He said he's usually done in less than 30 minutes. Very little pain at all. A local anesthetic worked great. I was given a prescription for pain killer before I left, but I have not used it. I was told not to do any heavy lifting, no children bouncing in my lap and no riding my bicycle for two weeks. I feel good enough to ride now and that seems a little over cautious based on what I've read on other websites, but I will try to follow his instructions. And should I say this? All of the equipment works just as well as before. My wife and I have confirmed this. Of course, we will have to continue using other protection until the Doctor has made at least one check to see that the system is cleared out in about 6 weeks or so. So if you're a guy and you know you don't ever want children, it's something to consider. It may seem like a sensitive area to allow them to be using cutting tools, but there's really very little pain, the incisions (I think technically some don't even call them incisions in the "no-scalpel" method he used.) are very small, and the recovery is quick.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Not having to worry about contraception is awesome!

    Plus, if you ever change your mind, say like in your 30s, you can always have it reversed. There are some fancy reversing procedures in place that will give any man or woman that changes their mind later another chance.

    I'm part of a family of two also, and it feels so nice and peaceful!


  • Yerusalyim


  • talesin

    :: you can always have it reversed.

    Not to be argumentative, but this is a serious issue and I wonder if you have researched this statement.

    Caution, please.

    After my first two miscarriages (one of which almost ended with my death), my ex wanted a vasectomy. He was only 27. I did not want him to do this, as I am considerably older, and felt this was too much of a sacrifice.

    We went to the doctor together, and I asked him to explain the seriousness and possible permanence of this action.

    He said that it is difficult to reverse, and not guaranteed to work. This was only 3 years ago, so I'm not sure if the technology has changed.

    Before making this decision, be SURE you want it to be permanent. Otherwise, you may get an unhappy surprise a few years down the road when you want it reversed.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    There are reversal procedures in place, although somewhat costly.

    I work with two guys, one that remarried and the other one just had the wife change her mind in her late 30s and want to have another child; both had their vasectomy reversed successfully and both had more children with their respective wives.

    Reversal is defenitely possible. Of course, nothing is life is ever guaranteed. However, you're absolutely right on the fact that sterilization should be viewed as a permanent choice. One must make absolutely certain in order to avoid costly procedures in the future.


  • maxwell

    Yes, I've heard about the reversal procedures, but the doctor did stress during my initial visit that it should be seen a permanent procedure as the reversals don't always work. And that is how I look at it. I plan to die this way. That's why I said it's something for a guy to consider if you know you "don't ever" (or stated differently NEVER) want to have children or additional children if you already have as many as you want. I would have continued other methods of contraception if I thought I might want to have children one day. Reversals attempts also cost more, are more traumatic to the body, have a longer recovery period. My health insurance covered most of this. They don't cover any part of a reversal. I don't think my doctor would have performed it if he had thought I was planning on trying for a reversal in the future. Reversals procedures are probably better now than they were a few years ago, but I agree it is still not something to be taken lightly. Now, if only everyone would think so seriously about things before they had a child, which I think is a far more serious step to take.

  • Gerard

    Why would you do that?! You should'a have it work for ya:

    [...] Donor No. 276 had sold 320 deposits of semen to Cryobank for total payments of $11,200. http://www.duanemorris.com/articles/article993.html

    That could pay for an awsome fishin' boat

  • Dan-O

    Reversals are not always a success, but they can be done.

    One of my brothers had his V reversed after marrying wife #2. (She wanted kids, and although he already had 3 kids from his first marriage, he opted for the reversal). He did say that the recovery from the reversal was MUCH more uncomfortable than the initial procedure.

    I do not intend to have mine reversed. I really love my kids, but I don't want any more of them.

  • drwtsn32

    If you get a vasectomy and other people know about it, you can no longer be an MS or Elder. Doh!

  • outoftheorg

    I had a vasectomy and I told them I didn't want to be there when they did it.

    So they gave me enough anesthetic to put me slightly under. Everything went fine. very little discomfort and felt fine in 2 or 3 days.

    Went back for a check up and they tell me I still have sperm, although much less than usual. They sent me to another urologist and paid the bill. He did it over and this time it worked. BUT this time it ached for weeks down there and when I had an ejaculation it hurt.

    I went back to the second Doc. and asked him why. He said, I duno. He suggested, give it more time.

    I did. It took about 2-3 yrs for the pain to lessen and finally fade away.

    But I had no more kids. I had too many already.


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