Dear Brummie:
I am so sorry to hear about your separation...I well know how "tough these times are"...
My first husband, of 19 years decided to leave me.....he was caught cheating...we were divorced 3 weeks before our 20th anniversary.
I was a "hopeless romantic"...he had started cheating on me before our 2nd anniversary...and cheated on and off and yes we were both active JW's and one of his cheatings was with one of my best friends in the truth(tm) at one time...
The separation was hell.....and the divorce was hell.....I will never ever trust him or speak amicabley with him...I raised his son from his first marriage...and we had one together.
But, I am better off without him...Although I thought I could never "love again" or felt worthy of being loved, cause I was never really loved by a cheating man...........I met someone 1.5 years after it was over and I found out what "real love" is suppose to be like.....(his name is NOdenial)
I always wondered why I had to go thru what I did......but it worked out for my "best"...Time is a healer....
Maybe there will be a "silver lining to your dark cloud"....I truly hope so....
Many hugs to ya...and know that I care...PM me if ya want!!!