removed because I don't really know what I'm taslking about on this subject and don't want to cause offense
Pedo Stats: 117-244-300-380 Victims in His Lifetime
by abbagail 27 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
hanks kls, that's so sweet, "award" graciously accepted. ;-)
As for not knowing what to say or do, just BE AWARE. That's the main thing I wish for, because it still shocks me that with abuse being talked about openly -- basically since Oprah exposed it big time in the late 1980s is what I'm thinking of -- I'm still surprised so many people are yet unaware of the facts.
Also, use your 'eyes' to spot abuse symptoms/behaviors in any little kids in your life's circle, and if you ever notice little kids acting funny (see Symptoms above), take action. I've always said, the ONLY way I'd ever go back to a Kingdom Hall would be as a "silentlambs undercover agent" for the sake of 'eyeing' the kids to see if they are all right or exhibiting any symptoms of abuse.
Thanks again!
Gail -
Hi FunkyD, who wrote:
"removed because I don't really know what I'm taslking about on this subject and don't want to cause offense"
;-) That's sweet of you. But you bailed out too soon. I found at least one answer for your previous 'challenge' which was:
"I challenge anyone to produce a single news report of someone convicted - or even suspected - of molesting as many as 148 children."
Answer: Convicted sex offender and defrocked priest John J. Geoghan (killed in prison) ... Geoghan had been accused of molesting nearly 150 children; the statute of limitations prevented most cases from being filed.
If you do a search for Geoghan, I'm sure you can find lots of news stories on him.
Two other sites of people/orgs I admire (besides silentlambs) as far as research and knowiing what they are talking about are: (lawyers, doctors, psychologists, etc. who document, defend, write research articles, etc. on abuse, it's effects, science and media presentation -- or misrepresentation -- of the facts, etc.) (Attorney Andrew Vaachs, child advocate who can't stop 'spitting nails' over his 'hatred' of pedos/abusers, and is relentless in his work on behalf of children. Fascinating, that guy.)
The Texas folks may be interested in this:
On Wednesday, August 25, Andrew Vachss will speak at the annual Crimes Against Children Conference in Dallas, Texas. Click here to find out how you can attend Mr. Vachss' speech and autographing session:
I was also going to offer you the addy/phone # of my now approx. 78-year-old pedo uncle, and suggest if you could get him to 'fess up on the # of kids he has molested in his lifetime, you'd be doing us all a big favor! (seriously)
No worries, though. Grits (abbagail) always loves a challenge ;-)
Gail -
Hey Big Tex, yo' welcome. ;-)
I dunno why people don't want to 'know' about 'it.' I mean, imho, only the 'guilty' would want to keep it brushed under the rug. So, what's everybody else's problem, I wonder... :-/
I also wonder how many other JWs I knew 'back in the day' might have been abuse survivors... I sure wish I knew then what I know now. I might have been able to do some 'real good' (vs. door knocking, lol).
Kudos to ALL THE MEN who have come forward. Bravo and a Standing Ovation to all of you!
Of six male siblings, only one came forward a few years before his death and my parents didn't believe him (blamed it on his drinking -- gee, I wonder why he had been an alcoholic all his life? He WAS the pedo's 'favorite' -- a fact we all knew growing up, but I didn't know WHY he was 'unkie's favorite.' Grrrrrr). It was five years after he died that I found out when it all came out in the open. Cried a bucket of tears. Surely I could've helped him if only, like I said, I knew then what I know now. Maybe I could've helped save his 'sanity.' (If I ever get my OWN squared away, lol).
Thanks for the comments, BT.
Gail -
I forgot to include these little educational tidbits... FYI...
Abuse Myths
snipped from:
Myth 1: Children who are being abused would immediately tell their parents.
Myth 2: Children who are being abused will show physical evidence of abuse.
Myth 3: Child molesters molest indiscriminately.
Myth 4: If asked about abuse, children tend to exaggerate and are prone to making false accusations.
Myth 5: Normal-appearing, well educated, middle-class people don't molest children.
Myth 6: Hundreds of innocent men and women have been falsely accused and sent to prison for molesting children.
Myth 7: By using repeated interviews, therapists or police can easily implant false memories and cause false accusations among children of any age.
Societal acceptance of these myths and misconceptions assists sex offenders by silencing victims and encouraging public denial of their painful crimes.
The Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence is committed to supporting justice, protecting children, and promoting responsible research and information on child abuse. We believe that society benefits when the public has access to accurate information and have prepared this analysis in an effort to promote public education about this important issue. -
The "Pattern Rapist" Database
Andrew Vachss has lectured for many years on the importance of systematically analyzing the behavior (not the "minds") of violent criminals. In Down Here, he included a set of forms that would help law enforcement officers database information about repetitious predators as soon as they catch a case. If agencies created and shared such databases, perpetrators would lose the advantage of finding new hunting grounds just by crossing jurisdictional boundaries. "Pattern rapists" could be recognized and caught more quickly, thus reducing the total number of victims. -- More here: -
Double Edge
Abel calculated the chances of getting caught for child molestation at approximately 3%. Fewer than 1% of offenders are arrested, convicted and imprisoned.
One of the saddest statistics. >> >> >>
Sad Indeed...
Thanks, DE, for pointing that out.
I had the same "this looks hopeless" feeling when I read it. :-(
/G -
Big Tex
I dunno why people don't want to 'know' about 'it.'
It's easier for some to play skeptic, it allows some folks to avoid thinking about it since in their mind it doesn't happen that often, but it also allows them to avoid looking at something that is ugly, embarassing and unspeakably evil. I don't think most people fall into that description.
Lady Lee
I dunno why people don't want to 'know' about 'it.' I mean, imho, only the 'guilty' would want to keep it brushed under the rug. So, what's everybody else's problem, I wonder... :-/
I think people first don't want to know about evil. People don't want to think about how dangerous a place the world really is or that they or their children can so easily be hurt. They want to believe their children are safe.
Secondly I think that when the worst does happen they prefer to think it wasn't that bad. They want to believe that the child will somehow forget this terrible thing. They don't want do deal with it so manage to convince themselves that it is somehow better buried.
Third I strongly believe that people don't want to consider the possiblity that someone they know could hurt a child - sexually abuse a child. Especially when it is someone close to them it brings to question what is wrong with them for trusting this person in the first place or for loving them. They would have to question themselves
Fourth they have to question their failure to protect a child in their care. How did they fail to see the signs or danger. They could not possibly be THAT wrong in their values and judgements of a situation.
And then there are those couyntless survivors who never learned how to protect themselves and because of their learned helplessness they have no way to see what is before them until it is too late.
Ultimately, the child is sacrificed to denial, repression, and a refusal to put the interests of the child first.
Earlier I had made a long post about all my abusers. And I lost it - drat. But I had said that between the ages of 8 - 11 yrs old I had 10 different abusers. Of those 10 abusers every single one had more than one victim. That isn't a guess on my part. I KNOW they all had more than one victim. Some of them had dozens and were finally caught. Most though were never caught.