Balanced Question for All Politically Interested Posters

by bisous 42 Replies latest social current

  • bisous

    Surely more than a handful of you are involved in supporting your candidates, either local or national? Or is it the thread title that is putting people off (folks being tired of the political threads....)?

  • gypsywildone

    Nope, I don't think that is it. Like a train wreck, people just can't stop looking at political threads, & some can't control themselves enough to resist more spew.

    We have a lot of armchair warriors on both sides floating around here. I wonder how many are even registered to vote, & how many vote regularly.

  • bisous

    That would be another interesting topic, Gypsy! I love your term "armchair warrior", btw. Aptly stated!

  • gypsywildone

    Seriously, I wonder how many actually read & educate themselves. I wonder how many have ever even voted. They have changed the climate of this forum so much, & for what? To be declared "right"?

    I have a sister half in & a bro in law that was raised, but I don't think it would be good to send them here any more. Between the political propaganda & the penis/nipple threads, it will scare them right back into the borg!

    I don't understand why they don't join a political fighting board & quit trying to preach their latest dogma here. I don't for the life of me understand why some Europeans are so obsessed with American politics. What do they really know of what goes on in America? Fifteen second sound bites? Why doesn't Simon start Simon's Political Board, where they can bark at each other?

  • bisous

    yeah GypsyOne, it is kind of a joke, eh?

    I'm surprised more people don't put their money where their mouths are, so to speak!

  • gypsywildone

    It is a joke, isn't it? I wonder how many people even VOTE! How many have voted in all the elections they had the right to participate in.

    How many registered voters here? How many Eurpoeans involved in the politics of their own country, instead of being absolutely obsessed with the politics & citizens of another country? How many here particpated in politics in any way, besides being armchair warriors?

    It would be funny, if it wasn't so counterproductive. What does this accomplish, besides time wasting?

    If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem!

  • Cicatrix

    I don't know a whole lot about politics, having been out of the borg for only two years, so I've been doing some reading to get a feel for what it is all about.I'm an independent, so I'm reading material from the various parties, and educating myself on the political process in general.

    I took a class that was offered locally on how to operate the new voting machines, and learned a little about local politics in the process. The woman that taught the class encouraged all TWO of us present (pretty sad turn out) to consider getting trained to help at the polls in November, and I am considering it. The only thing that is holding me back from signing up right now is finding out if my college schedule will allow me the time to be at the polls and to take the mandatory training classes.

    I just moved back to this area, and I'm not familiar with the local candidates and issues, so I am refraining from voting on local issues this time around. Next time, when I know more of what's going on, and have a clearer idea of where I stand on things, I will vote.

    In the meantime, I've been teaching my children about the political process as I learn.I've encouraged the ones who are old enough to vote to get registered, and one of my children has responded to the encouragement and has started to examine the issues, also. I also have one who is too young to vote who became very interested in the political process, thanks to Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" movie.It's been pretty interesting, as we seem to have diverse political views.It's kind of cool that children in the same family feel comfortable enough to stick to their own personal political feelings, and not feel pressured by "family loyalty" to take the same stance on issues as others in the family.

    Has anyone here ever volunteered to work at thier local polling sites? I was just wondering what it's like.

  • Golf

    Bis/gypsy, how many people are interested in politcs? Well, lets put it this way, I posted about my running for council in my home town this summer,and you know how many responded to the thread? Less than a handful!

    Every morning begining from 5AM to 8AM I go to the local coffee shop and we talk about anything and everything, of course poltics is right at the top. One of my buddies got in office as a councilperson and he sits with the crew and we trash away. Politics is the norm with me. I find politics is just about everything. I must admit, there is more to politics than what meets the eye, it takes a lot more than just reading controlled newspaper coverage.

    The power struggles and back-biting that goes behind the scenes needs to be experienced by those who never saw politics in action. As I said in my thread, if your going into politics, you better be a thick skinned person.

    Guest 77

  • gypsywildone

    Yes golf, the more you research, the more you can understand things are not usually what they seem on the surface :) These things can't be discerned from a 60 second sound bite or a propaganda film.

    Of course they are interested in politics around here, why just look at them argue politics :) They can't resist the bait. Everyone wants to be "right".

    Differing politics in one family is a good thing, as long as there is something substantial to back it up. The more a person researches, the more that person can tell simplistic solutions are unrealistic & spouting rhetoric at another person trying to convince them is just rude.

    I am still wondering why some people are so obsessed with other countries &their citizens. And inquiring minds wanna know, how many VOTE???

  • Golf

    Gypsy, what issues are these people arguing about? Yes, everyone wants to be right, what a sham/shame. As the saying goes, "I may not always be right but I'm never wrong!"

    Yes, I would like them to present their issues and offer solutions. Being in front of an audience and presenting your views is totally different than spewing out opinions on a forum. Armchair politicians? Right on!

    Guest 77

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