The willingness to give oneself the permission to not participate and yet actively complain or put forth opinions on what should be happening is something that diminishes our democracy.
maybe you missed the second part of my post, which i think is very relevant to this thread....ill post it again here(with some bold/italics for emphasis)......please respond if you disagree:
i know for me personally (on the political front), although i may have strong opinions on iraq, i certainly dont feel strongly enough about the republican party to spend my free time recruiting for it. i have noticed many on here feel the same way.....they may say they dont fully support the republican or democratic party, but yet they do have strong opinions on certain political subjects. thats pretty normal id say.
so, in my case, what would you expect me to be doing? i support bush on some of the major issues, but i disagree completely with some of his fundamental beliefs as well....i certainly dont support him enough to go out and recruit others to vote republican....?