Technically, I'm still a JW.
How Many Here Are "Technically" Still JWs???... Who's Not??
by minimus 110 Replies latest jw friends
same here i have been inactive for a long time now, have not been DF but it tell you what I should be.
Lady Lee
DFed and glad of it
alien from earth
i havent been df'd or da'd but not been to meetings for 6 yrs. i dont want to be on their books making up the numbers but if i officially leave it will be awkward for my wife with her family cos some of them are still jws. but it does piss me off that i am "officially" a member
i dont want to be on their books making up the numbers
Don't worry, alien, if you have not reported time for over 6 months, you are not counted in their numbers. You are not counted in the numbers when the CO comes and makes his report to the congregation and to the WTS. In my area they announce the number of active publishers during the CO visit (people love comparing themseves with other congregations, "We have 90 publishers, how many do you have? Hmmm, only 75, that's too bad). Also, you are not counted in the numbers published in the January WT and yearbook every year.
While they keep your congregation publishers record card in their files, it is pulled out of the "active" members and put in the back (as posted elsewhere, some elders even take those out of the box).
alien from earth
cheers blondie, thats good to know.
thanks for the welcome
Technically I still am.
But only because I refuse to play by their rules and DA myself.
Some still talk to me although I'm sure they consider me spiritually weak.
But every chance I get, I slip with some statement that may get them to 'THINK' even if only for a moment.
neyank -
I know some that don't like to think that they are technically JWs because they don't feel that the organization has any jurisdiction over them---in any way.
Absolutely positively not.
According to dubs, yes. Just inactive.
**From what I can see, it still is better to not disassociate yourself. Why give them the satisfaction
I don't know, Min, I see it another way, although you're opinion seems to be more popular. When I began to do research on the 'net, and going to H2O, etc---I was SO ANGRY and disgusted at the WTS for being so deceptive and dishonest---I just wanted OUT!!
It was a matter of my personal integrity, that I could NOT be a "witness" any longer! I KNEW I would never go back to a KH from that day forward---and I DIDN'T want to be associated with the WTS any more or be KNOWN as a JW! I felt that strongly about it. Still do.
I was well aware of the consequences of (cough) MY behavior (of course---NOT what the WTS did to ME) and was semi-prepared to deal with it. It wasn't a "knee-jerk" reaction because I waited eight months from when I discovered the crap of the WTS until I wrote my DA letter in 1999......but it WAS the only thing I could do, get my point across to the PO and the Society---and be done with it all.
For those who may be lurking (WTS) I am GLAD to be out of your controlling unchristian Org! For the record---DAed in '99.