jaredg; you are a brave lad and God hates a coward. It's UNscriptural and why: IS BLOOD THICKER THAN DOGMA? Not in the cult cocoon. Family is held hostage.The WT$. twisted take on the 'disfellowshipping chapter'..1 Corn. 5. Here we have St. Paul's adroit adjudication.,,,,"Let him be as a man of the nations, i.e. a Gentile. Or as a tax collector i.e. IRS agent. These were people's who were disliked, but not ostracized. [especially, if they were your own blood kin.]
Later in the new testament,at ;[2 John 1
11 Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work"] we have St. John's condemnation of who?THE ANTICHRIST to come. NOT A WAYWARD TEENAGER John is not elaborating here on the 90 day shunning protocol of Paul. What is the watchtower's motive for family wrecking?
The WT$ leaders are;"control freaks with a mean streak"They are also blinded to reality insulated in their Ivory tower.
Back in 1989 I calculated that as the world turns,4.4 men women and children were disfellowshipped per hour.The WT$ asserts that all were expelled @ "the direction of the Holy spirit".This is blasphemy.
Danny sez;"the headless horseman runs their show"
Most offensive of all JW sleaze is the notorious,"Two Witness Take down".Simply put,if a JW perpetrator stabs me in the back and the entire congregation sees it happen. ....
.....Unless "Two Witnesses" are willing to come forward and testify, they pretend it never happened.No matter how wicked the offense may be.
This absurdity is an overextension of 2 Corn.13:1 and is selectively enforced at the whim of the elders who play favorites.
How JW cult leaders hook into your guilt and shame : They exploit the Scripture at Prov. 28:13: "He that is covering over his transgression will not succeed, but he that is confessing it will be shown mercy". They dupe you into 'spilling your guts' about intimate details of your private life so they can use it against you if you try to leave. This is standard operating procedure for all high control cults. This sleaze has a name it's called the:"Cult of confession".The Cult of Confession [spilling your guts]
Serious sins (as defined by the organization) are to be confessed immediately. The members are to be reported if found walking contrary to the rules.
There is often a tendency to derive pleasure from self-degradation through confession. This occurs when all must confess their sins before each other regularly, creating an intense kind of "oneness" within the group. It also allows leaders from within to exercise authority over the weaker ones, using their "sins" as a whip to lead them on.The 'flunky','Ghouls for GOD '.Jehovah witness church elders Arrogance of Ruthless Egotism create your disastrously dysfunctional problem in the FIRST place.with their politics,and cliques.Disfellowship,you for the problems that they initiated. Then, come up from behind and like 'ghouls,'analyze till, their paralyzed',as to why on earth you had a ,shipwreck of your faith? So,sometimes in despair you stumble into an odyssey SURROGATE/DISPLACEMENT RAGE a.k.a. the, "BOMB" .....of self destructive behavior.Leaving the'truth' and going to the dogs is not a self-fulfilling prophecy.They are the ones who 'wreck' you and your family. The bastards are truly wolves in sheep's clothing.(Matthew 7:15).Your family is now out of the picture,to render you support,because of the WT$'s satanic divide and conquer family wrecking. This is a pure demonic, psychopath,play book.The demons want to get back at humanity,and crave anything carnal and harmful,to us because they know they are doomed and want to take as many, as the chosen with them. That's why the watchtower has an evil draconian UNscriptural family wrecking shunning ritual.It's a doctrine of demons from the get-go. |
Stay strong mate.I kept a toll free 800# for 15 years,accessible anywhere in the world.So,no matter how destitute my loved ones may be they could contact me.I just took the # off line didn't get even one call in i5 years Dedicated to my family members, nieces and nephew Lauren, Ashley and Kevin Haszard that have gone missing in the Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't know who in my clan is dead or alive....X 15 years
ยป Theologically,Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult of Christianity.The oppressive organization does not represent historical, Biblical Christianity in any way. Sociologically, it is a destructive cult whose false teachings frequently result in spiritual and psychological abuse, as well as needless deaths.