Although I'm unlicensed, untrained and beyond doubt unqualified in this field,
I'm thinking about designing, creating a god.
Don't laugh. I'm not the first charlatan to try.
Let me run by you a few preliminary, random thoughts about the kind
of god I'm thinking about inventing.
My god will disdain worship. No, my almighty one will possess enough self-esteem.
He will not need your rituals, sacrifices, praise or alms. Respect
and love, yes. Worship, no. Rather than an empty sacrifice, he will
be more impressed with a productive life. Accomplishment, invention,
creativity, generosity, love will all be more important to Him than
idle ritual.
My god will not be threatened if you build a ziggarut tower to the
"heavens" or discover electricity or nuclear fusion. He will simply
smile his "that's my boy/girl" smile of pride.
My god will not select a "chosen nation."
My god will communicate clearly. He will not use prophetic imagery, visions,
antitypes, types, spiritual "notification," "times," shadows,
or new light.
My god will be very tolerant of new ideas in art, thought, science,
philosophy and exploration.
My god will not permit disease, hunger, child abuse, Adolph Hitlers, war,
ps. While my drawing board is still out, what would you like to see in a god?