evolution VS. creation

by doogie 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • doogie

    hey guys,

    what do you think: evolution or creation? Why?

    for those of you who believe in evolution, what are some good resources on the subject? i've never really studied on it and am just kind of curious but don't know where to begin. i know nothing about evolution...well, other than that monkies are hilarious (they're like little people...filthy, smelly, little people).


  • Leolaia

    Get a good book by Richard Dawkins, the late John Maynard Smith, or the late Stephen Jay Gould. They often wrote on evolution for laypeople.

  • drwtsn32

    An excellent web resource is http://www.talkorigins.org

    Check out the FAQ section.

  • doogie
    evolution for laypeople

    that's exactly what i'm looking for. thanks

  • hooberus

    I believe in creation. Unfortunaltely this forum is (in my opinion) generally not a very productive medium for constructive origins discussions since the discussions tend to degenerate into issues unrealted to the main issue of which model is correct.

    The following links provide resources from a creationist scientific perspective.







    It is also important to understand that creationists and evolutionists deal with the same facts (ie: fossils, DNA, etc.) but that they have different interpretations of the origin of these facts. Therfore you may wish to understand how each interpret the same data.

  • rem

    "The Blind Watchmaker" by Richard Dawkins is a great book to start with.

    rem, monkey's uncle

  • micheal

    How did we get here - Creation or Evolution?

    Oh wait, that book really sucks!

  • Deleted

    Hey doogie, I found the book Genome to be very interesting. Made me feel like a bunch of symbiotic viruses. I believe that the probability of evolution is 1:1, it just happened. Glen

  • XQsThaiPoes

    To tell the truth creation and evolution are broken theories.

    If the universe is preditermined there is no evolution. If the evolution was not brought by chance but by will of another then evolution does not exist. Evolution needs natural selection to work. If you if it is unnatural or you can't select you can't evolve period. You are just observing states of change. Until someone defines evolution as observing states of change I can't see the point of arguing a broken theory.

  • funkyderek
    To tell the truth creation and evolution are broken theories.

    How so?

    If the universe is preditermined there is no evolution.

    Not true. It would just mean that the evolution is also predetermined

    If the evolution was not brought by chance but by will of another then evolution does not exist.

    Again, not true. Directed evolution would still be evolution.

    Evolution needs natural selection to work.

    No, it doesn't. Natural selection is just one theory used to explain the fact of evolution. It is currently the only one worthy of serious consideration and is accepted by almost everybody. Lamarckian evolution, directed evolution, evolution by artificial selection would all still be evolution.

    If you if it is unnatural or you can't select you can't evolve period.


    You are just observing states of change. Until someone defines evolution as observing states of change I can't see the point of arguing a broken theory.

    Evolution can be defined as: "Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations". It's unlikely ever to be redefined as observing such change but I fail to see how that means it is a "broken theory".

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