...not so much as eat with such a person...

by Tashawaa 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tashawaa

    Matthew 5: 22 `But I tell you this. Anyone who is angry with his brother without having a good reason will be judged in court. Anyone who says wrong things to his brother will be judged for it in the big court. Anyone who says "You fool!" will be judged to go into hell fire.

    1 Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pears, or costly array;

    1 Corinthians 5:11 But now I write to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of [Christian] brother if he is known to be guilty of immorality or greed, or is an idolater, or is a person with a foul tongue [railing, abusing, reviling, slandering], or is a drunkard or a swindler or a robber. [No} you must not so much as eat with such a person.

    Will you be disfellowshipped for calling your brother "a fool"? How about if, as a woman, you braid your hair, wear gold or pearls?

    What is the reasoning not to disfellowship? The scripture in Matthew makes it clear that you are facing a supreme judgment for such a "sin". Timothy states that woman should not "make themselves up" (woman who are Mennonites or Hutterites take this very seriously).

    So what is the reasoning for disfellowshipping those who eat a meal with a disfellowshipped person?

    This was the reason I was expelled. I ate in a public restaurant with my sister (who was living with me) who was disassociated. She was no longer calling herself "a sister". She was no longer a Jehovah's Witness. I said this to my JC. They stated that I shouldn't eat in a public place with her. I asked "can we eat together at home?". They looked at me like I was stupid and said "of course, just not publicly". Then I said, "but the scripture doesn't make reference to either a public or private meal". I guess I wasn't repentant enough.

    Why is the exaggeration, stressing to watch your association with hypocritical brothers/sisters who may be leading a double life, used as a means to expel from the congregation - when other scriptures that use the same type of exaggeration to stress their point, is not taken so "literally"?

  • kls

    Could you send that to the witch tower, i think they forgot that

    Thanks Tash, really gives aperson hope that it will be fulfilled.

  • Tashawaa

    kls - I was editing, cause when I first posted, only the one scripture showed

  • kls

    You tricked me. That is sick , I really don't know what to say, really if you could read the thoughts going through my head . Why can we not stop them , Why.

    I am so sorry for you . Them , watch your mouth KLS

  • Gopher
    Then I said, "but the scripture doesn't make reference to either a public or private meal". I guess I wasn't repentant enough.

    What you should have said is: "What have I done? I am so sorry. I won't ever disappoint you again in the future, brothers. What can I do to make things right? You're right, I should never have eaten with her in public."

    But instead of grovelling like that, you tried to use a little logic and common sense. That's independent thinking! They can't have people using their God-given brains to navigate difficult circumstances in their lives.

    If you think too much, you certainly don't belong in Jehovah's organization.

  • Gadget

    This is what happens if you eat with apostates.........


  • RunningMan

    I don't mind having a meal with apostates, but all that gnashing of teeth tends to get a bit distracting.

  • Tashawaa
    But instead of grovelling like that, you tried to use a little logic and common sense. That's independent thinking! They can't have people using their God-given brains to navigate difficult circumstances in their lives.

    OMG Gopher, you should have seen their faces!!! I still chuckle to this day - the confused, perplexed looks

    Gadget LOL Ironically, she's just DA'd herself, BUT I'm the raving apostate.

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma


    This was the reason I was expelled. I ate in a public restaurant with my sister (who was living with me) who was disassociated

    I have heard of some heavy handed nonsense in my life, but that is ridiculous.

    I grew up with all bethelites and I don't remember ever hearing something like this before.

    I am really curious about where something like this happened, if you don't mind me asking.


  • Tashawaa

    Sirius, yes it was pretty pathetic.

    This was the sole reason I was df'd. I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, but this took place in a small town.

    I often wonder if there was "more" to this decision than meets the eye. My sis, had lived with me prior to her leaving, and we were living together, AND eating out for more than 3 months before the jc.

    I had found out about the UN connection, and wrote a letter to the Society. About 3 weeks later I got the standard reply. Then I fired off another letter asking them a few questions... mainly about my research about the Library's use, and they didn't have to be an NGO. It wasn't an attacking letter, and I was in full standing in the cong.

    3 weeks after I sent THAT letter, I was called for a jc. Crazy huh?!?!?

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