i had a simular issue...my cousin was df'd but he was to lay carpet for me..we were discussing the color at a local place to eat when a group walked in and seen us..they made a big deal of it and with my education and blasted back with scripture...this was one of the issues to make my leave the org...the other is when they found out i dated a worldy woman...i told them there is no woman in our circut worth dating unless i take out the one with 5 cats..they really got mad
...not so much as eat with such a person...
by Tashawaa 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sirius Dogma
i told them there is no woman in our circut worth dating unless i take out the one with 5 cats..they really got mad
Good point XQ . The supper is not an event that is deemed something for all people but only those who are serious and intend on eating and drinking . I really don't know why the WTBTS continues to disgrace jesus the way they do .
Bluesbrother --- I think it totally retarded that someone would have to shun you in your own home . The early church I imagine didn't have means to leave and go home so planned to stay for dinner whenever they congregated so the scripture is really talking about the congregation gatherings and how to cope with the shunned in public. IMO
I don't mind having a meal with apostates, but all that gnashing of teeth tends to get a bit distracting.
Since I was df'd 14 years ago and now an apostate, it just occurred to me that I have never once in all my years "gnashed" my teeth.
I've gotten kissed more, but never gnashed my teeth.