Perhaps we're all shooting in the dark here. We seem all to be assuming that the entire Adam and Eve story is literally, totally, utterly true. What if it isn't?
There is no evidence that the Hebrews had any written language until the time of Soloman. That means that the Hebrew history was merely an oral tradition. And an oral tradition isn't worth the paper it's written on.
I really do think that if we all concentrated on observing the two commandments of Jesus and forgot all about all this theological nit-picking about original sin, the atonement doctrine, a Messiah, the EXACT second some boob thinks armageddon is gonna pop, and all that other unknowable, unproveable stuff we'd all be a LOT better off. Wouldn't we?
Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.