i always idetified myself as a jw, because it would get the householder to close the door that much quicker .
the mags i would always give away without asking for money, and i certainly wouldnt and never did pay upfront for them.
by undercover 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
i always idetified myself as a jw, because it would get the householder to close the door that much quicker .
the mags i would always give away without asking for money, and i certainly wouldnt and never did pay upfront for them.
I used to say "Hi we're Jehovahs Witnesses and we're offering you a free home bible study"
Needless to say my honesty didn't pay off
Thinking about it this is quite a significant objection you raise. Who amongst JWs could deny what you said? The "Theocratic School" is all about teaching JWs how to slyly use words to "hook" the "householder" without giving too much away too soon.
The whole method of initiating a bible study is deceptive. They talk to the person about JW beliefs, then they're taught to *very subtly* start reading a paragraph from the study book and asking the householder a question. Then next time, they do the same, until they're invited in, and voila! bible study.
Remember the song "we're Jehovahs Witnesses, we speak out in fearlessness"? Well why don't they speak out in honesty and fearlessness rather than using all of these deceptive methods to recruit?
I have had more than one argument with my honey about the "No Solicitors" signs. I say they include Jehovah's Witnesses, he says they do not. He says, "We're not selling anything, we are giving the Truth." I say, "Sure you are, you are salesmen, you sell religion. What are those role-plays other than sales techniques?"
That is one of my pet-peeves too. I remember when I was a kid and said the same thing to my dad... and got basically the same answer as you. This is why I plan on putting this sign on my door when I finally own a home:
What about the instruction to not accept any written material the householder offered us? My husband always thought that was silly when he was a JW.
I remember once when I was a young pioneer, a christian woman accepted our literature, invited me and the other pioneer I was with in for a chat and a drink, and after discussing 1914 with us, she asked us to read a booklet she had that would show us an alternative viewpoint. My pioneer friend told her "we don't accept literature". "Why not?" asked the woman, genuinely. "Because we know we have the truth and our ministry's purpose is to bring the good news to others". "Well that's a conundrum isn't it?" said the woman.
I wish I'd taken the booklet!
This reminds me of an embarrasing story, but I'm feeling masochistic, so I'll relate it.
Back in the eighties, when I was Pioneering, we were invited to simply get to the point and ask people if they would like a "free home bible study". I spent two (unsuccessful) months with this introduction, and on the very last door of the last morning, having decided that this would be the last time I used it, someone accepted and an evening was arranged.
It was the end of the month and my stocks were depleted, leaving me with a blue "Creation" book in my bag. But we had to leave literature, right? Well I left that, and happily counted my book placement.
The embarrasing part comes in two stages. The first personal and the second procedural.
Since it was with a young woman, I invited along a young sister. Not any young sister, but one that I had the hots for. I also needed a lift and didn't have a car at the time, so I pressed my grandmother into service (I could have asked her along to the call, but I wanted to take the hot young sister "because it was a young woman").
Well my grandmother didn't really like driving much, since my granddad had died, so I drove us there. I made a critical driving error, on the way, when I came to a right turn on a congested piece of road. There was a bus approaching, and I suspected that it wouldn't get by, so I tried to reverse after only a brief look in my rear-view mirror. The bus flashed his lights, but I carried on going until I heard a crunch. A car had pulled up behind me...
There I was, stationary in the middle of what was usually a busy high street, with my grandmother jumping out of the car to inspect the damage and chatting to the other driver, a bus full of people craning to see what was happening, and a hot young sister in the back of the car. Needless to say, I would happily have curled up and died right on the spot.
Well, fortunately there was no damage, and we continued on our journey. The "study" was in, and I launched straight into a study of the "Paradise Earth" book, after prayer, even though that wasn't the book that had been left (bearing in mind that I left the "Creation" book). Well, after about thirty minutes of "distracting questions" the "study" drew to an end, never to be repeated as we hadn't really answered her "bible questions".
I don't think I discharged my duties as an "experienced Pioneer" too well, that day, and needless to say, I never got to go out with the hot young sister again. She later married, and invited me to the wedding...
Ahhh, the memories...
Yeah, causing a car accident doesn't impress the babes too much LOL
(DantheMan is back to being a "turd.")
This reminded me of the convoluted responses JWs were taught.
11/79 p. 8 Presenting the Good News?By Being Versatile ***When the householder says, "I have my own religion ," do we say, "We talk to people of all religions ," and continue with our planned presentation? Or could we say something like this: "It is a pleasure to find some people who are still interested in spiritual matters. We are not in a membership drive or selling for a church, but we stopped by today to share with you God?s promise that there will soon be an ?abundance of peace? through the Kingdom under Christ Jesus. Notice how this was foretold in Psalm 72:7." This is just one example of how such an objection could be effectively answered .
7/76 p. 3 Be All Things to People of All Sorts ***Another expression
we sometimes hear is , "I have my own religion ." We can always reply that we are glad to know that, and inquire if they do not think it is good to know the viewpoint of different people and what they believe since there are so many different religions in the country . Or we might say that we are glad to know that they believe in God , adding that we have found that most people feel that regardless of the religion to which they belong, it is good to increase one?s personal knowledge of the Bible , as it contributes so much to one?s faith.One brother, in reply to those who say they have their own religion, remarks pleasantly: "
Well now, we aren?t going to fall out over that, are we? After all, the religion to which a person belongs is a personal matter, don?t you agree? Our purpose is simply to encourage a study of the Bible. We are not soliciting church membership . But we feel sure that if a person learns what the Bible teaches, he or she will be a better Christian, don?t you agree? What a person does with that Bible knowledge is up to him . (but if he doesn't see it our way he's toast at Armageddon)If this "religious" objection is raised frequently,
it may be advantageous to bring it up ourselves in our introduction , saying: "I am visiting people most of whom have their own religion. No doubt you do too , and the reason I?m stopping by is to get your viewpoint on this subject . . . "km
2/70 p. 3 When Objections Are Raised ***When someone says,
"I have my own religion," you may find it effective to acknowledge this by saying: "It is good to find someone who still believes in God. Of course, each person must decide for himself what he will do about reading the Bible to see what it has to say on such important matters as: How do I know whether my religion is approved by God? The free Bible-study program that is being offered to you and your neighbors shows where information can be found in your own Bible on such matters. After reading what the Bible has to say, you can determine what you feel is the thing to do."New Theocratic School Guidebook study 33 p. 199 Tactful
yet Firm ***What if he abruptly says:
"I have my own religion "? You might in a tactful way ask : "Have you been a religious person all your life?" Then, after he responds, add: "Do you think mankind will ever be united in one religion?" (yes, the day will come when everyone will be JWs because everyone else will be dead, executed by God)Reasoning from the Scriptures p. 14 Introductions for Use
in the Field Ministry ***WHEN
MANY PEOPLE SAY: ?I HAVE MY OWN RELIGION??Good morning. We are visiting all the families on your block (or, in this area),
and we find that most of them have their own religion. No doubt you do too . . . . But, regardless of our religion, we are affected by many of the same problems ?high cost of living, crime, illness?is that not so? . . . Do you feel that there is any real solution to these things? . . . (2 Pet. 3:13; etc.)? ?I HAVE MY OWN RELIGION??Would you mind telling me,
Does your religion teach that the time will come when people who love what is right will live on earth forever? . . . That is an appealing thought, isn?t it? . . . It is right here in the Bible. (Ps. 37:29; Matt. 5:5; Rev. 21:4)?(DantheMan is back to being a "turd.")
Hiiiiiiiiii-dee-ho Blondie!!! Did you brush your teeth? Make sure you wear socks to bed so you don't catch cold! LOL
One brother, in reply to those who say they have their own religion, remarks pleasantly: "Well now, we aren?t going to fall out over that, are we? After all, the religion to which a person belongs is a personal matter, don?t you agree? Our purpose is simply to encourage a study of the Bible. We are not soliciting church membership . But we feel sure that if a person learns what the Bible teaches, he or she will be a better Christian, don?t you agree? What a person does with that Bible knowledge is up to him .
How utterly barfomatic. How did I swallow garbage like this year after year? *Shakes head*
I don't believe anymore it's done for conversion I think the majority due it to save their own ass at Armageddon......(WHOOOO HOOO Can you say run on sentence)