Hello, I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I'm here to convert you....

by undercover 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • GermanXJW

    I was once at a door and overcame the conversation stopper "I do not want to be converted." by telling something like "We do not want to, just telling you something from the Bible."

    And I went on and somehow came to Matthew 28:19, 20 about making disciples and added that this is what JW are doing. The woman said: "But not me." and closed the door.

    I felt caught and embarrassed...

  • undercover

    Thanks, Blondie, for these quotes:

    When the householder says, "I have my own religion ," do we say, "We talk to people of all religions ," and continue with our planned presentation? Or could we say something like this: "It is a pleasure to find some people who are still interested in spiritual matters. We are not in a membership drive or selling for a church, but we stopped by today to share with you God?s promise that there will soon be an ?abundance of peace? through the Kingdom under Christ Jesus. Notice how this was foretold in Psalm 72:7." This is just one example of how such an objection could be effectively answered .

    One brother, in reply to those who say they have their own religion, remarks pleasantly: "

    Well now, we aren?t going to fall out over that, are we? After all, the religion to which a person belongs is a personal matter, don?t you agree? Our purpose is simply to encourage a study of the Bible. We are not soliciting church membership . But we feel sure that if a person learns what the Bible teaches, he or she will be a better Christian, don?t you agree? What a person does with that Bible knowledge is up to him .

    I forgot that these were in print, these deceptions, the smoke and mirrors. Actually they're bold-faced lies. "Not selling for a church"??? Bullshit! That's exactly what we were doing. All monies gathered went to the WTS, a church. "The religion to which a person belongs is a personal matter, don't you agree?" Then why the hell are we out everday knocking on doors forcing our religion on people?

    Another expression we sometimes hear is , "I have my own religion ." We can always reply that we are glad to know that, and inquire if they do not think it is good to know the viewpoint of different people and what they believe since there are so many different religions in the country . Or we might say that we are glad to know that they believe in God , adding that we have found that most people feel that regardless of the religion to which they belong, it is good to increase one?s personal knowledge of the Bible , as it contributes so much to one?s faith.

    "...it is good to know the viewpoint of different people and what they believe..." That's all well and good...for them, but not for a JW. We're there as a JW to share our viewpoint with them, but if the householder pulls out a brochure from their church to share their viewpoint, what were we supposed to do? Refuse it. I remember having to do that. I used to take their pamphlets but then "mother" said refuse them outright. Now just how am I to learn the "viewpoint of different people and what they believe" if I can't share in an exchange of information? That's how the WTS wanted to make our visits sound like, an exchange of information. That ain't what is though, it's actually our coming to tell you what we believe and that we want you to believe it too. We don't care about what you already believe because you're wrong. Join us or die. That's the basic message.

    AARRRGGHH! This one really pisses me off. I can't believe I fell for this shit for so long. I am so glad that I will never have to knock on doors to talk about religion ever again in my life.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    The bottom line is that the JW are there to sell their religion. Anything else they say is a lie. I recall one time my mom ask me if I wanted to go out with them and bang on doors. I said "sorry, I am not a good salesman." She didn't like that response but had nothing to say as I think she knew I was right.


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