Hello, dear mpatrick... and may you have peace!
The 'bible' (a book of little books) was compiled by a group of men who wanted to 'exact law'. The SCRIPTURES, however (Moses, the Prophets, Psalms and the Revelation), were written and compiled BY... and FOR... those of the Household of God, Israel.
Today, that 'household' means those who have been 'chosen by', 'anointed with' and are 'taught by'... holy spirit... as WELL as those that are SEEKING entry into such household by means of that promised holy spirit. That 'household' includes the 144,000... taken from among the sons of FLESHLY Israel... AND... a 'great crowd' which NO MAN was/is able to number. TOGETHER, these make up ONE FLOCK... the 'temple' of God... the Household, Israel.
Ephesians 2:19-21
The ONLY purpose of the scriptures is:
To 'test' the 'inspired' expression (if someone tells you they were inspired to speak something, the 'scriptures' should agree...), if you cannot put faith in such expression... and
A 'tutor' to lead you TO the 'Truth'... not replace him. Once he has revealed himself to you... you no longer NEED the 'scriptures', unless, as I stated, you are for some reason unable to put FAITH... in what you 'hear'... either FROM the spirit... or from 'earthling' man.
'Israel' ONCE was a nation of people born in the manner of flesh. They were 'Israel' simply by means of being descendants of Abraham, by means of his son, Isaac, and HIS son, Jacob. It was a 'bloodline', determined by red hemoglobin. Such people were REQUIRED to adopt the Law Covenant, adhere to it, live by it, and be circumcised as a 'sign' of belonging to it. In addition, people who were NOT Israel by blood, could BECOME Israel, by means of circumcision and adoption of and adherence to the Law Covenant.
'Israel' NOW... is a nation of people 'born'... as the result of a promise, the 'promised' holy spirit. ANYONE can be in that household, simply by means of adopting the NEW Covenant, the 'law' of love, exercising FAITH, and being obedient to that spirit. Such obedience does not require a circumcision of the flesh, but one of the HEART... the 'cutting away' of the flesh FROM the heart. This means walking by FAITH... and SPIRIT... and not by sight and flesh.
While the first covenant was limited to those who possessed Abraham's blood and adopted the Law Covenant mediated by MOSES... the NEW covenant is open to any who ask for, received, and possess GOD'S 'blood'... holy spirit... which is 'poured out' by means of and through Christ... and adopt the NEW Covenant... mediated by CHRIST.
It is not as 'burdensome' as the Law Covenant, and unlike the former, which was a law 'leading to death', this one leads to 'life'. However, it, too, is not 'easy'... for in order to reach 'the promised land' of NEW Jerusalem... one must 'pick up his TORTURE stake/pole'... and continually follow the Lamb. One must remain a 'virgin', in that one has only ONE 'leader', the Christ, and not a pope or pastor or GB or what have you.
And truly, since 'earthling' man IS physical flesh, living the law WITHOUT having it 'written' and someone PHYSICAL to see and say, "Walk THIS way"... is much more difficult. It is easier to attend five meetings a week, put in 10-30 hours of field service, attend a couple conventions, participate in a 'ministry' school, and have people tell you that based on those 'numbers'... you are 'spiritual'.
Why is it EASIER? Because those things don't require that you show love, pity, compassion, mercy, kindness, forgiveness, empathy, mildness, self-control, long-suffering... or joy. Which are the 'weightier' things of the law. Indeed, it is MUCH easier to 'strain out gnats and gulp down camels'... than it is to 'love JAH... with your WHOLE heart, your WHOLE soul, your WHOLE mind and your WHOLE strength... and to love your neighbor AS yourself.'
And so, 'earthling' man 'oversteps the commandments of God', which IS to have love among ourselves, with the 'traditions and doctrines of men. 'Cause it's 'easier' that way.
I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,