Bible only for anointed

by mpatrick 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day mpatrick,

    First of all let me welcome you to this ever-increasing family. We may need a bigger Assembly Hall soon! Hope to 'hear' many more things from you during your time in this happy place.

    What an interesting post to start with. For those I have known personally exiting the Borg (presently around 70 of my friends including many active elders, but all of long standing in the troof) the most striking teaching was:

    The mediator
    The Mediator

    ......whichever way you say it, this strikes to the core of Witness belief, and although little expressed among the Witnesses, it was in a study article and a QFR.

    The Borg teaches that Jesus is the mediator for the 144,000 only. The rest i.e. Great Crowd, have Jesus as their mediator by association with the remnant.

    That is blasphemy, and Mrs Ozzie and I are glad to have been shown the truth that Jesus is the mediator for all.

    Jesus said: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." - John 14:6

    How refreshing it is to really know that and to find joy now in Christian freedom.


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos


    Greetings mpatrick:

    Another thought to go along with Aguest is this:

    Technically YES. When its convenient the org has always taught the scriptures were written for the anointed. But since the great crowd who are NOT in the covenant (not allowed actually) want life through it, it is written as a guideline for them also. actually unscriptural!
    you see those NOT in the covenant NOT part of the body Not making up the temple are NOT TO BE MEASURED the same as those anointed.

    REVELATION 11:1&2 John is told to get up and measure the TEMPLE and the altar and those worshiping in it, which would be the anointed.
    Then John is told as for the COURTYARD that is OUTSIDE the temple, not to measure it for it has been given to the nations.
    That would be ALL not part of the TEMPLE or the anointed as we know it.
    Since the great crowd do NOT profess such anointing it is unscriptural to put them under the same scrutiny as the body of christ.

    YET THEY DO! They expect exactly the same requirements under the covenant arrangement yet do not allow them to be part of it and BELONG to the CHRIST!


    Yet they call themselves "Israel." The non-priestly tribes. Why in the world aren't they allowed in that same covenant then?

    JOHN 6:48-58 ALL EAT AND DRINK! Just Not all profess priesthood.
    Same as ancient Israel........

    What a heavy judgement for them as shepherds....
    What a bloodguilt for them as a nation of people claiming to serve Jah!

    JUST A MOM (Kim)

  • LadyBug


    Welcome to the board. And answer your question simply, yes that is what the witnesses teach. The bible was written for the anointed. And as justamom said the guidelines are for the other class.

    This is particularly true of the new testament.


  • mpatrick

    Thank you everyone for your input, it is greatly appreciated. I have been on a long journey trying to overcome the teaching of the organization. I try to take it one step at a time. I found an individual that has helped me out tremendously in understanding the scriptures. He studies the scriptures and Greek and the times in which the bible was written. He isn't affliated with any religion, and doesn't claim to have all the answers. After coming from a religion that has an answer for everything whether it is true or not, it has been comforting to hear what the scriptures have to say for themselves. He actually brings nothing but a bible. He explains the time in which the scripture is written and the meaning of the words in Greek and lets me come to my own conclusion. I didn't think there were people who actually studied just the bible and not a bunch of religious mumbo-jumbo. Anyway, it has been refreshing to let God's holy spirit be my guide rather than a religion. I still have alot of questions though and I will continue to tackle them one at a time. Even though I like all the input from each of you, I have to go with my heart.

    Blessings to all,


    He does not believe who does not live according to his belief.-Thomas Fuller

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