From the time I was eight years old when my parents started studying I was very disgusted with the fact that my parents chose a religion that took so much away from life what was really the most fun things like birthday partys, haloween, Christmas, involement in sports etc.
And then to make it worse in 1973 due to I guess the 1975 false prophecy my dad quit his very good job at Union Carbide to move where the need is greater in a town with a population of only 1,200 where we built a Kingdom Hall that took almost 2 years to complete, I was the designated kid helper I had to spend all my Saturdays and after school hours working on that project.
I was the only boy in the congregation which meant I had no friends, and of course you know bad association was forbidden so I was basically isolated. I went from being a a,b student to a all F student the same year we moved there.
Living in a town that small any thing you do is noticed so field service was a nightmare from hell because you would always run into someone from school and then become the laughing joke of the class the following day.
I made a decision when I turned 15 that I was going to quit school and go to work, and that i did, I also made a decision that I was going to have friends witness are not, and I did. These decisions so angered my elder stepdad that he told me it was his way are the highway so I took my last paycheck and a suit case and stuck out my thumb and ended up in Houston TX living on the streets and homeless for almost 5 years. I hopped freight trains and hitched all over the Country I was free at last, and of course that freedom had a price that was a very high one.
Anyway I ended up finally being permitted to return home at 20 years old to a stepdad that despised the fact that I was back. When I cut off all my hair and went to the first meeting an elder who's daughter used to be my girl friend pulled me back to the cold room and began to interagate me asking me why I returned, he said that I was nothing but a con man trying to weasle my way back in to the congregation, boy that sure made me feel welcome.
So to shorten this I ended up being reinstated from my disassociated status got married to a pioneer sister that I am still with, became a regular pioneer and MS myself, went into a business with a wordly man who stole our life savings from us, and from that point on I quit going to meetings, grew a beard and started to try to understand why I was not wanting to be a JW anymore, well research backed up doubts that I had anyway so here I am just doing my own thing and quite happy. My wife is a very miserable woman at this point she wants me to release her from the marriage by commiting adultery, which I have not and do not plan on it.
The Non-Truth has caused me many many pains and continues to cause me problems.
My wife has threatned to leave me and so I turned the tables on her and told her that if she takes my family away from me that I would do everything in my power to teach all four of my kid's the truth about the Non-Truth. Which scares her half to death.
The JW religion sucks and has given me many heart aches in my life I could probally type for 10 hours and not tell all the horrible things the JW religion has done to my life, but I will not because I must move on with what is left of the rest of my life.
Peace be with you my friend.