Agree with that...
Folks like me who were born and raised in the organization never stood a chance tho.
by Cameron 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Agree with that...
Folks like me who were born and raised in the organization never stood a chance tho.
you've over complicated you're premise.... Yes, failing to critically analyze the statement of "christ's choosing the org in 1919" is a fundemental error, the problem with choosing that as "the mistake" is that the proof for it (christ's choosing the org) is highly subjective, and if you read the societies proof, it's quite convincing (self serving that it is).
No, the one mistake is quite simple....
Signing up for a "free" bible study from a door to door bible salesperson... and then never truly picking up the bible again.
The Bible alone disproves the Society's claims. A discerning eye will see these things... Luke 21 is more than enough warning for an honest "bible student".
So yeah, we never questioned what we were being taught.
Well, I know "The One Mistake All Jehovah's Witnesses Have Made" when they leave, they throw the baby out with the bathwater!
I know somebody that should have been thrown out with the bathwater.
You are entitled to your opinion, to believe what you want to believe, but shut up with that crap. I need a shower.
IMNSHO, the one BIG mistake we all made happens to also be the fundamental and most important JW doctrine, ergo "the Governing Body speaks for God."
We all swalloed this one hook, line and sinker. Upon reflection, we should have asked ourselves, "Does the Bible teach the concept of a "governing body" for Christians?" (Hint: NO!) We should also have asked ourselves, "if the Governing Body speaks for God, we need to examine everything they've said that they attribute to coming from God to them. If in so examining, is that evidence sufficient to prove they they do indeed speak for God?"
(Hint: Hell no! God is not a God of flip-flops and flip-flop-flips.)
Yes, it is quite subjective (looking at the TOC), that the 50 "teachings that Jesus Christ examined" are self-selected, and that one could guess how Jesus would have decided. A die-hard Witness could still say that Jesus "had his reasons," judged not specific teachings but the purity of heart, or some other subjective "test", and such a position (irrational as it is) would not falsifiable. Yet the book seems to assume that this subjective claim of the Watchtower can be falsified.
And my goodness, looking at the TOC, it seems to go on forever....21 chapters, wow! Seems to be enough for two or three books. I guess these are short chapters? I am sure it has a wealth of information and will be helpful for those studying or a little open-minded in the org who might come across it....
What about the rest of us? Would any of us have ever turned our lives over to the Watchtower's illusionary "God's organization" if we had made the above examination before we got baptized... if we had not made the above mistake?On page 44 I say...
All those who are now Jehovah?s Witnesses have failed to carefully examine the Watchtower?s claim of being God?s "faithful and discreet slave organization" based upon what Russell & Rutherford had been teaching down till 1919 in fulfillment of Matthew 24:45-47. And all those who become Jehovah?s Witnesses in the future will make this same mistake.
I think you are mistaken about this mistake, after all many people were CONviNcED by Russell and even Rutherford and based on their CONvictions and the admission that they were NOT inspired by God, many could accept they were chosen as they claimed, for they claim their light was based on an honesty of heart rather than an accuracy of verse.... more bull$#!+ to be sure, but I think the greatest mistake that all seekers make is not what you stated but rather to hold the FALSE belief that THE TRUTH is out there and within our ability to know... rather than accept where all such ideas really lead, back to the fact that each of us are trapped in our own minds inventions and unable to determine THE TRUTH... most of what passes for THE TRUTH is nothing more than a match between our experiences and some hidden ideals we have no knowlege about...we do not know who put them there how valid they are or what their real source is...but when we find a match we FEEL it and that it more than good enough for most.... self delusion is easy.
RR, I can't even take you seriously. Your sole purpose of being on jwd seems to be that exjw's missed the boat by not becoming bible students! Talk about shameless plugging.....pot calling the kettle black IMO.
That's EXACTLY what I was thinking. I can't see too many people on this board even thinking about joining the bible students, although RR isn't the first one I've seen talking about it. Throwing the baby out with the bath water, please! Is that the only guilt trip he can come up with? Although in my case, that's probably true, I don't believe in any religion anymore.
an insult to Christ Jesus to say that he selected this organization on the basis of what it was teaching as of 1919 .
I've seen that concept before, in the Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness by Diane Wilson. I think we all made lots of mistakes along the way, and that's maybe just one of them. Although, I agree with Farkel that the biggest mistake is believing in the governing body as the mouthpiece of "god". That takes the cake.
RR, I can't even take you seriously. Your sole purpose of being on jwd seems to be that exjw's missed the boat by not becoming bible students! Talk about shameless plugging.....pot calling the kettle black IMO.
I'm not trying to convert anyone to the Bible Students. I just can't see how you yturn your back on God because of what the Watchtower supposedly did to you!
RR said we should "get a life" , something he has not done his damn self....
Aah, but I have a wonderful Christ filled life. I have a wonderful family, a loving wife, loving children. A wonderful church, it doesn't get any better than this. This is what you need, a purpose driven life.
RR - The JWs aren't trying to convert anyone when they come to peoples doors, either, or at least that's what they'll tell you, but we know better, don't we. Also, your assumption on why I don't believe in god is a very weak setup for your argument. You cannot speak for others on why they "turned their backs on god". When I first realized the Watchtower full of deceipt, I still believed in "god" for a while there. Fortunately, I didn't close my mind to all viewpoints too quickly and after lots of research and meditation, "god" doesn't exist for me anymore, at least not as far as I'll ever really know.