Amish Reality Show...

by Country Girl 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    Dan- you close to EtnaGreen?... I used to work Elkhart, and down that way and still have a cousin or two in the area


  • DanTheMan

    Weird Al Yankovich "Amish Paradise"

    As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain
    I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain
    But that's just perfect for an Amish like me
    You know, I shun fancy things like electricity
    At 4:30 in the morning I'm milkin' cows
    Jebediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows... fool
    And I've been milkin' and plowin' so long that
    Even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone
    I'm a man of the land, I'm into discipline
    Got a Bible in my hand and a beard on my chin
    But if I finish all of my chores and you finish thine
    Then tonight we're gonna party like it's 1699

    We been spending most our lives
    Living in an Amish paradise
    I've churned butter once or twice
    Living in an Amish paradise
    It's hard work and sacrifice
    Living in an Amish paradise
    We sell quilts at discount price
    Living in an Amish paradise

    A local boy kicked me in the butt last week
    I just smiled at him and I turned the other cheek
    I really don't care, in fact I wish him well
    'Cause I'll be laughing my head off when he's burning in hell
    But I ain't never punched a tourist even if he deserved it
    An Amish with a 'tude? You know that's unheard of
    I never wear buttons but I got a cool hat
    And my homies agree I look real good in black... fool
    If you come to visit, you'll be bored to tears
    We haven't even paid the phone bill in 300 years
    But we ain't really quaint, so please don't point and stare
    We're just technologically impaired

    There's no phone, no lights, no motorcar
    Not a single luxury
    Like Robinson Cruesoe
    It's as primitive as can be

    We been spending most our lives
    Living in an Amish paradise
    We're just plain and simple guys
    Living in an Amish paradise
    There's no time for sin and vice
    Living in an Amish paradise
    We don't fight, we all play nice
    Living in an Amish paradise

    Hitchin' up the buggy, churnin' lots of butter
    Raised a barn on Monday, soon I'll raise anutter
    Think you're really righteous? Think you're pure in heart?
    Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art
    I'm the pious guy the little Amlettes wanna be like
    On my knees day and night scorin' points for the afterlife
    So don't be vain and don't be whiny
    Or else, my brother, I might have to get medieval on your heinie

    We been spending most our lives
    Living in an Amish paradise
    We're all crazy Mennonites
    Living in an Amish paradise
    There's no cops or traffic lights
    Living in an Amish paradise
    But you'd probably think it bites
    Living in an Amish paradise

  • Mac


    Amish Acres for me, please!!!

    The spread on that table in the Restaurant Barn is to DIE for!

    (If yer insistent on a cocktail I suggest you bring a flask though)

    Threshers Dinner menu

    Iron kettle of thick ham & bean soup
    Amish Acres freshly baked hearth bread
    Fresh yellow butter
    Crock of locally made apple butter
    Seasonal relish
    Sweet & sour cabbage salad
    Green beans with smoked side meat
    Beef & noodles
    Mashed potatoes
    Bread dressing & giblet gravy

    Your choice of two meat entrees per table:
    Festive roast turkey
    Broasted country chicken
    Cider-baked hickory smoked ham
    Tender roast beef

    Choose one dessert per person:
    Tins of fresh fruit pies
    Shoofly pie
    Vanilla date nut pudding

    Coffee, Hot tea, Milk, Lemonade, and Iced tea

    mac, "buttons...we don't need no stinking buttons" class

    *actually a spin off faction of the "Nappanee Fer Me" class

  • gypsywildone

    Actually, I just watched it, & it was kind of an interesting mix of people & situations. Seems to me the Amish people over react to everything & are way sensitive. Anybody else watch it?

    I dispise this genre & avoid them like the plague, these "reality shows", but this was kind of interesting.

  • Dan-O

    Etna Green is about a 2 hour drive for me.

    Mac is right about the food at Amish Acres in Nappanee ... ditto for Das Dutchman Essenhaus in Middlebury and Amishville USA near Geneva.

  • detective

    I watched it as well.I was mostly being tricky about it though. I really wanted to have my (ex)JW friend watch it with me as he is still in the JW mindset at times and I thought it might be a good way to open a conversation with him about uh, tightly knit communities. Besides, The Amish are considered a high control group that also practices shunning- a pretty good way to get my friend thinking. So, despite my aversion to reality shows, I planted my butt with my buddy by my side and we watched.

    It was interesting, although some of the people were a little hard to take (mostly the "city" kids). It is true that several of the Amish kids spoke about leaving the group in the past tense which struck me as odd while I was watching it. I suspect that there may be merit to the argument that several of them had already left the group before signing on to do the show. Then again, I'm not sure it matters too much. Heck, they found parking meters fascinating- good for them.

    {getting closer...}

  • simplesally

    I saw part of it, I have it recorded so will watch the rest later, I thought it was interesting.

  • GentlyFeral

    I saw the first episode last night, and on the whole I was rooting for the Amish kids: open to new experiences - after all, it is their rumspringa and probably their last chance - and levelheaded about unfamiliar situations.


    • Ruth's reaction to her first experience of non-functional artwork at the art gallery.
    • Miriam's zest for new experiences and her good sense.
    • Mose's -- well, just about everything about Mose! He knows who he is, he's sure of his principles, and he relishes every experience. His reaction to the Japanese dinner was wonderful. I also like his dry sense of humor. I hope he finds the right woman soon after he goes back home -- he's gonna make a good daddy.

    I have a feeling all these kids, except possibly Randy, will go back to the church -- but changed for the better.

    Now, the city slickers: That guy from Boston, whatever his name is, is just a damn bigot. How dare he tell the Amish kids not to take his trash talk personally! "Was I not having fun?" Bullshit.

    And Ariel - not ONCE did she argue for animal rights or compassion for animals, at least not on camera. If she did and it was left on the cutting room floor, I retract it. She had nothing to offer but a lot of bogus health propaganda. She's just a food fun-damn-mentalist. "Milk is cow pus," indeed! I wonder if she's planning to breast-feed her babies. And eggs are not chicken abortions. For creatures that don't bear live young, the word is meaningless.

    Of course the Amish were over highly sensitive to others' perceptions of them: you try living in such a way that you get stared at every time you leave your neighborhood.


    the scandal of the moment around here was that those Amish on the show had already "left the faith" before the TV deal.

    Ah, that explains their coolness on camera, then. I still think Mose will go back.

    And I think Randy will "jump ship," in a highly dramatic way, and that he'll regret it. He seems like the type to underestimate what's needed to survive in an unfamiliar environment.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    I saw part of the show last night. Oh, shades of the JW past. So much religious superstition and fear and "oddness" in the poor adherents.

    All religious cults are so sad.

  • Sassy
    Mac is right about the food at Amish Acres in Nappanee

    that is the town where i used to live!

    CG for the most part my complaints have been covered.. they think we, with material possessions are bad people... yet they'll borrow our car, and load it up with as many as they can squeeze into it.. They will fault us for having electicity and phone in our house.. but they'll have both in their barn..

    They think or at least ACT like they are better than we are..

    the one thing I could say for the amish.. when I used to go in service there.. they were never mean at the door.. as long as you had a bible in your hand, they were respectful.. not interested, but you didn't have to worry about a door slammed in your face or a gun, etc..

    it also bugged me that they are the typical women dont' count as others do.. the boys get to sow their wild oats .. but the girls do not

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