Amish Reality Show...

by Country Girl 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    Two of the Amish participants said they did not feel exploited and were happy to have gone through the experience.

    ---and your point is- for you could substite anyone from a high contro group and get pretty much the same thing- for example

    Two of the (JW) Amish participants said they did not feel exploited and were happy to have gone through the experience - OF BEING SENT TO PRISON WHEN THE WT SAID THAT ALTERNATIVE SERVICE WAS UNSCRIPTUAL

  • SheilaM

    Loved the show.....WHY? Because I got an AWESOME story idea from it LOL ROFLMAO Who'd a thought

  • Dan-O

    But Sheila ... Kingpin has already been filmed!

  • SheilaM

    ROFLMAO nah nothing like Kingpin LOL

  • lisaBObeesa

    I saw the show and thought it was really interesting.

    Some of my thoughts:

    1) The way the city kids treated the Amish was so rude and hurtful. It brought back memories of being laughed at as a kid. (I don?t think the Amish ?over-reacted? at all. Actually, I think if any of those city kids had been treated like that, they would have ?reacted? much more.)

    2) I noticed when Miriam (Amish) said something like, ?I broke up with my ex-boyfriend because he was making out with some ugly Amish girl!? I knew what she was really saying. It was all in how she used the word Amish. She was trying to fit in with the city kids?to be one of them, to be seen as normal?She was put down the girl by calling her ?ugly? and ?Amish?! She was saying, ?I?m not like them. I?m like you.? Again, memories were triggered for me from when I was a kid, trying to fit in.

    3) The sheer awe and happiness the Amish felt at seeing the beach, the city of Los Angeles, ART in a museum, etc?was, in a way, beautiful.

    4) I thought it was interesting that the girl from South Central LA seems in many ways sheltered by how she grew up, too.

    5) Moses almost drowns in the ocean and cries when he thinks of never seeing his family again if he had died. He cries and cries. *****I think it is clear they are choosing between being free, or seeing their family again.*****

    6) The vegan girl needs psychiatric help. Seriously.

    7) I think it is interesting that people here report that the Amish are making a big deal about saying that these young people left the Amish faith before they went on this show. ????***********Isn?t that just what the JWs say about any JW who shows up on TV and makes them look not-so-good?**********

    8) I think they talk about having left the group in the past tense because they have left the group?for Rumspringa. Right now, they are out of the group and not under the rules. Physically, they have ?left? the Amish. Most of them seem to be honestly questioning, deciding if they will go back.

    9) I noticed that Moses is older than the others, 24, and was not allowed to have Rumspringa when he was younger. He was ?forced? to get baptized. Perhaps young people taking Rumspringa is looked down on. Maybe they are actually thought of as having left the faith?.until they come back. ???

    I enjoyed the show?but I didn?t really like the city kids. I wish they had picked some more ?average? city young people who were questioning their next step in life. Some of these city kids seem a little over the top...

  • gypsywildone

    Just put Amish puppy mill into a search engine & see all the newspaper articles & legislation you come up with. And as for the living conditions of the animals & people, filth breeds disease. Plain & simple.

    I asked my sister what city it was in Indiana, & she said Geneva, Indiana is where the Amish are moving in droves & not keeping things clean, etc., & my sister goes over there monthly.

    I have been told by another nurse, but have not verified it, that the Amish & Mennonites are so inbred that there is the highest concentration of hospitals/clinics for birth defects right here in Pennsylvania. The Amish & Mennonites here have a much more pronounced accent than those that were on the TV. They call it Pennsylvania Dutch here.

    I think it was sad that when Moses felt that he almost drowned, he couldn't sleep at night & was haunted by the fact that if he had died, he would have gone to hell because he was not among the Amish. It is just sad period that these kids already seem so screwed up that they would have a hard time functioning anywhere but amongst the Amish. If they woiuld have used more "average" teenagers, it would not have added to the drama. I think the producers deliberately stacked the deck of less Amish, more English, & used mainly jaded English teenagers.. On Amish horse abuse:

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Hillybilly: you are truly right about that. A horse that is in good shape from being exercised properly will have just a ripple of rib. I have three of them that I don't ride quite enough and they are lard asses. Beautiful lard asses, but fat nonetheless.

    I don't believe the Amish kids have yet made the decision to leave the church yet, as they are on their Rumspringa. What I haven't quite figured out is how long this Rumspringa could last? Is there a maximum time period? Why couldn't the kids just be on Rumspringa for the rest of their lives so they could have fun *and* have their families and friends?

    I truly thought the show was very fascinating, and will watch it again. Most of the reality style shows *are* pretty stupid, and some downright offensive, but this one is like an ancient book we are unfamiliar with, being opened, and getting a glance of a lifestyle/culture we might have never been an afforded the opportunity to see. I know next to nothing about the Amish, but I do find the culture clash with the city kids creates quite a bit of stimulating situations.

    The scene where they first saw the ocean was just so touching. I could just feel Ruth's elation and joy and it made me so happy for her. The art gallery was priceless, too. It's kind of neat seeing things for the first time vicarously through the eyes of the Amish kids.

    I was kinda disappointed with the city kids. They are rude and unkind to the Amish kids, except for maybe a couple of them, and I find their casual wham-bam manners nauseating. I felt very empathetic toward the Amish kids because I know how they feel when they stand out as "strange" because of their mannerisms, lifestyle, and clothes. They probably were WAY out of their element and just overwhelmed.

    The Ariel girl is the definition of space cadet. Cows are from outer space?!? egads... Get that girl a clue.

    On the whole, I thought the show was pretty interesting and I'm looking forward to the next one.

    As far as the Amish, I will be reading up on them this afternoon to learn more about them.

    Country Girl

  • Dan-O

    she said Geneva, Indiana is where the Amish are moving in droves & not keeping things clean

    Well, yeah. That is the ass end of Adams County. The Amish are all over Geneva, but there seem to be even more around Berne (originally settled by Mennonites, from whom the Amish split about 300 years ago) and Monroe. And Elkhart County has the largest community of Amish outside of Pennsylvania.

    I dunno. When you drive down US 27 through Geneva, it's easy to spot the Amish farms, because they have no power lines or phone lines running to the houses. The mailbox says Schwartz or Gruber or something like that. There are buggies in the yard, and white or blue shirts hanging on the clothesline. But they usually keep things neat & tidy from what I can see.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I think it's Schwarzentruber and Yoders.

    You are right.. I think the ones down this way must be Mennonites, they were driving cars and in Walmart.

    There was a mennonite church near my Grandfather's land in Nebraska, and they had a LOT of dead babies in their graveyard. My Grandmother said that they inbred alot and the babies were born with problems. I was only 11 at the time, so didn't really understand what she meant, but I do now. Sad...

    Country Girl

  • Sassy

    if they have their own cars, they would have to be Mennonites. However, as I said earlier, the Amish, although they will not own their own car, will borrow yours and drive it all over

    I can tell you the one thing I do not miss is being late for the meeting... (the cong was not in the town we lived in) my ex racing to make up for the time we needed not to be too late for the meetings and coming over a rise of a hill and seeing a horse and buggy trotting along.. my heart would be in my stomach as we viered around them in time to miss oncoming traffic!!!!!!!!!!!

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