To: Humble - Slander? Lies? What?

by Amazing 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hi Humble: I saw an exchange between you and BillyGoat on another thread. Amnong the JWs that post here, I do find you more rational and honest to exchange thoughts ... but, your last comment to Billy made me a little curious:

    You said,

    Billygoat: You are right that "bad associations spoil useful habits." That is why the WTBTS has suggested that we don't frequent sites just like this one. Yes, I would get counseled if they knew I was here. I choose to post because the name of the forum is deceaving. It says that it is a "Forum for JW's". This is a false statement and that's how I came here in the first place. If I made it here, other Witnesses might be lurking around. I post for their purpose, so that along with all the accusations, some lies, some slanders, they can also read the view of a current witness.

    First, JWs have been told by the Nov.99KM to stay off of the Interent, because even sites that say they are for JWs are really apostate sites. So, 1) JWs are warned to stay off, and those who faithfully obey the GB should not be lurking in the first place. Who then is dishonest? Whould the Society think that JW lurkers are being dishonest? 2) These sites are for JWs, but are open forums where JWs can come to visit along with former JWs and discuss, debate, and exchange information. Since teh Society long ago demanded that active JWs not have such Internet sites, and faithful JWs obey the organization, then any such sites should be understood to contain former JWs who do not agree with the Watch Tower religion. Any JW who fails to understand that and claims deception is not being honest.

    Second, when you say that you are here to rectify the slander and lies, just what slander or lies are you talking about? Would you please provide a specific example where such slander or lies have been conveyed by ex-JWs? And, provide the supporting Evidence that such slander and lies have been told? Thanks. - Amazing

  • humble

    There is an example in your comment.

    JWs have been told by the Nov.99KM to stay off of the Internet

    Your comment is not true. You misread the information. They never said "Stay off of the Internet". I happen to work as a website designer and I am on the internet 8 hours per day. Obviously, the Society will not object to my job. The purpose of the information is for Witnesses to be cautious with what they read, because it could be damaging to their spirituality. They have an official site, so it was unnecessary for individual Witnesses to have their own explaining beliefs, etc.

    You are also not being truthfull when saying that these site are for Jehovah's Witnesses. In reality, when a Witness posts here, he is insulted and the first accusation always is "that is a typical response for someone brainwashed by the WTBTS". That is just silly, because a Witness is not given a fair chance to explain his stance.

  • Mulan

    A few years ago, JW's with web sites, if they identified themselves, were contacted by their congregations and told to take their sites down. An elder friend, who still talks to us, told us that one. It was because some of the site were posting the scriptures to be used in the book study and the WT study, and all you had to do was print them off for every meeting. I guess the GB didn't want them doing that. When we were going, they didn't want us taking the scriptures off, and printing them out. I did it anyway. haahahhahaha

    Recently, a friend called me to see if I would go into the single JW's site, to see who is posting there, because her Presiding Overseer son, had been told to counsel this man to NOT be on that site, by the Circuit Overseer.

  • ianao


    Sorry pal. I've seen many witnesses come to this board. They do exactly as you have done and are doing in the JC Analysis and the back to basics thread. They become dogmatic, assertive, and insulting.

    I've also seen others who simply agree to disagree.

    At least the EX's don't go around screaming "Jah's gonna kill you.. nah nah nah nah.. boo boo!"

    Most EX's on here who haven't had a bad social experience or been immoral have doctrinal issues. Why don't you get one of the governing body that you've "confered with" to venture over to sights like this and have an honest debate?

    All I've seen besides folks despising gullibility and stupidity are ex witnesses attacking the WT leaders, and you JW apologists defending your faith like some kind of stupid good vs. evil contest. Don't you understand that you are being a WT croney?? Your whole purpose is to get members, keep current members in-check, and defend the "organization" (read: WT leadership).

    What's sad is ALL of this is cloaked under the guise of RELIGION. Your nothing but a glorified literature salesman working for FREE! It's the most immoral and dispicable thing I have ever seen, to have so few take advantage of so many. Just like the lousy pastors in "christiandom churches" tithing/offering their members to death.

    I hope you wake up one day and smell the roses.

  • ianao


    A witness I work with admitted point blank to me that a witness is instructed to refrain from discussion/persuit of religious matters from internet sources. You KNOW that this is what Amazing was referring to.

  • humble


    Maybe you are right about some witnesses that visit this board. Of course, that is your opinion. Still, they are a minority compared to the insults from Ex-jws on this board.

    You are way wrong about most Witnesses. I am not a literature salesman. I have had to pleasure of bringing in about 50 persons into the organization. Most had terrible lives, some drunkards, some drug addicts, some had family problems. Through Bible study, they were able to apply counsel such as the sermon of the mount and others. I am proud that I was able to guide them into the teachings of our Lord, Jesus and his father.

    Don't tell me to wake up. I'm already up and enjoy serving Jehovah.

  • Billygoat


    May I preface this by stating that I'm not being accusatory in any way! Here is your quote:

    "I have had to pleasure of bringing in about 50 persons into the organization."

    Do you feel YOU brought in around 50 people into the JW organization? Isn't that similar to the story in Numbers 20:10 where Moses said, "Hear now, you rebels; shall we bring forth water for you out of this rock?"? Are you taking credit for bringing these people in? If so, what happened to Moses when he made that statement above?


  • ianao


    I am not a literature salesman. I have had to pleasure of bringing in about 50 persons into the organization.

    And in doing so, you pushed how many mags? How many "donations" did you accept? How many of those went back to your KH and then to the society?

    Most had terrible lives, some drunkards, some drug addicts, some had family problems. Through Bible study, they were able to apply counsel such as the sermon of the mount and others. I am proud that I was able to guide them into the teachings of our Lord, Jesus and his father.

    Yes, and now some are proud new members who go around pushing mags and accepting donations, funneling back to the local KH for dispersal to the society for new literature under "mandatory donation".

    Don't tell me to wake up. I'm already up and enjoy serving Jehovah.

    LOL. Sure you are. Please tell yourself that every time you fill in your time if it makes you feel any better about it.

    Oh, and I'm sure Jehovah will get very angry with you if you just start praying and praising him instead of putting sufficient time to his "kingdom work", right?


  • Amazing

    Humble: Now we can test this matter out. You said,

    Your comment is not true. You misread the information. They never said "Stay off of the Internet". I happen to work as a website designer and I am on the internet 8 hours per day. Obviously, the Society will not object to my job. The purpose of the information is for Witnesses to be cautious with what they read, because it could be damaging to their spirituality. They have an official site, so it was unnecessary for individual Witnesses to have their own explaining beliefs, etc.

    First, I did not make an exact quote of the Nov.99 KM. I was merely relaying the general intent of the article. I have read the article and I posted a break-down of it on H20 about a year and a half ago. The Society, as always, is carfeful not to say 'exactly' certain things, but any JW worth their salt would saty as far from the Internet as possible (except of course for work purposes, as that went without saying. I was speaking about talk forums such as this one, and you know good and damn well that is what I meant.)

    You continued,

    You are also not being truthfull when saying that these site are for Jehovah's Witnesses. In reality, when a Witness posts here, he is insulted and the first accusation always is "that is a typical response for someone brainwashed by the WTBTS". That is just silly, because a Witness is not given a fair chance to explain his stance.

    First, these sites do not say they are exclusive to JWs and that non-JWs or ex-JWs are not welcome. H20 clearly, for example, stated that it was for other interested persons, and in their FPP they clearly without question discuss that fact that participants may be former JWs, but they are not going to judge who is and who is not apostate.

    Second, I have not read the JWD FPP, but when anyone happens on to this site, they can see right away from the forum thread title what it is about and can quickly move on if they are offended. The site invites and is about and for JWs, but nowhere is it exclusive to and only for JWs, and you good and damn welll that is the case.

    Third, JWs who, like yourself, Sue, Freddie, You Know and others usually start off their presense with some remarks about apostates, and categorize everyone here with that label. They initiate their introduction with insults. Frankly, when Sue (who weas realy her husband lying to us about who he is) started the very first posts of theirs, its was about 'apostates' and immediately was an insult. Fuirther, 'Sue" (or Mr. Sue) said she (he) just wanted to make sure and ask for a real JW site where they could chat with real JWs ... and several gave them some really good pure JW sites, and what so we see? The real Sue emerges, and wwe find that her husband Alternative was the real first Sue, and that they are visiting and posting here like crazy. And, once I got them to open up be honest and disclose who and what they really are, I Welcommed them, even those they lied through their teeth! Why? because I am many other ex-JWs understand the fear and the shame and the need to act with caution as one proceeds to search around.

    Now here is a shocker for you - Humble! If you were a ture loyal JW Elder as you have claimed to be you would know without question that it is beyond your assigned responsibility to be on a forumsuch as this to try and 'stabilize the Ark' as it were. You know that you are associating with DF'd, DA'd and others known to be labeled Apostates by your religion. THEREFORE, in as muich as you knowingly associate with those whom the organization disapproves, and that such associateion make you an accomplice, and that your repeated posts constitutes a 'willful' practice of sin, then were I still a good little JW Elder, a company man, Loyal to the Borg, I would upon discovering your Internet activity, not settle for 'counseling' you, as you admitted above, I would be asking you about whether you believe "IT" is the Truth, and what you are doing associating with known apostates, in violation of the organization's directives.

    As an ex-JW, I am pleased that you are here, and want you to stay, because I understand the process you are going through ... you ratinalize you participation here to get around what you know the Borg would have you really do ... why? ... because you are really curious and you have doubts, but you are not in a safe place to admit that.

    You cannot con me. Been there, done that! I have not lied or slandered about anything and so far, you have not made you case. Keep trying bubba. - Amazing

  • mustang

    To Humble:

    Obviously, the Society will not object to my job.

    Don't be so sure. I have some experience with congregations that bor-der government installations. There has always been a stigma or even open pressure against 'working civil service' on those sites. When you see designators like 'such & such Support Organization' on the government supplied Motor Pool vehicles for maintenance workers, it is quite obvious that your work would support Caesar. I have more than once seen situations of reproof over this.

    Also, many have been told not to do painting or such for churches or church related/owned operations. I recollect many yearbook experiences of people concerned with their employment being appropriate or not. For every one of those experiences, I recall somebody I know being visited over the fitness of their employment.

    Funny story, on the side:

    Once I was starting a new contracting job for a major CATV (Cable Tele-vision Scrambler/Descrambler's) manufacturer. I had my accountant over to help me set up new billing software. She was accompanied by her husband, who was a devout Fundamentalist preacher. While she and I were modifying the computer programs, her husband came in and noticed the books in my library. A few minutes later, he returned and proposed that my Christian conscience should not allow me to work on anything related to the Television industry. After a few minutes of discussion, I found that he had worked for a major military radio supplier without any real qualms. He retired to the living room (TV off) to read his Bible. After they left, I discovered the TV was not working. He had yanked the TV's 'F' connectors off their cables and I had to rework the coax cable. Sour grapes, I guess.

    So, religious types (of all sorts) ARE PICKY ABOUT YOUR EMPLOYMENT.
    You have stated a very bad assumption, probably based on private ideas that maybe harbored.


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