I do think that if individual elders could be successfully sued, they would think twice before going after anybody.
Would You Outlaw Jehovah's Witnesses If You Had The Power?
by minimus 92 Replies latest jw friends
min, re my post about freedom: It was sparked by Junction-Guy's post:
It would be a public service if JW's were banned, however in our free society that wouldnt be possible.
Society can do whatever it wants. Inconceivable as it may seem, it's within the realm of possibility that next year the Supreme Court could render a decision about Constitutional church-state separation that would allow for banning of certain religious institutions; consider the Branch-Davidians, as one example.
The parameters by which such a ruling could be rendered in the US are problematic, to be sure. But many other societies around the world have no problem whatsoever banning outright religious and political groups that the 'powers that be' disapprove. Geez, in Singapore, it's been illegal for over 10 years to have chewing gum; pharmacists who sell it face a 2-year prison term. What's easier to to kill: chewing gum or religion?
And, in the US, I venture to say that if, for some reason, a move was made to outlaw the Islamic religion in this country...well, probably it wouldn't pass muster, but there would sure be a lot of people that would poll to support.
Which is why I said what I did about "freedom." We like to think that our opinions matter, and on an individual basis, they do. But in the democracy, our opinions, however strongly held, usually get lost in the wash.
Blondie, one of our elders is from the Rome, Italy congregation and he has been a JW for 55+ years. He told us during
a book study that in Italy they use to give brothers a "certificate of promise to marry" why? Because in Italy/France, etc
a divorce could take up to 15 years so a brother could have sex, think he was married, but would be only married legally when
the dicorce went through.
This was sanctioned by the Branch there, and they do not do it anymore.... wonder why?