i drive past patterson about once a month. while working. and read here about tours there. so i stopped. it was only me and i got a personnal tour. any here who read my posts know i'm pretty rough with jw's. but i kept my cool knowing i would get my moments. the first thing i noticed , was the size and amount of $$$$$$$ spent to build this place. you can't see from the road. as i was waiting for the tour i was looking for pictures of farkel,mini, danny, skally, me etc. on the wall of the most wanted.! first he showed me a painting of cornelus. and i told him he was a roman soldier (a captian) and jesus called him a man of god. he didn't get it yet. next was the theather 1800 seats one of the nicest i've ever seen and i live in nyc. i was asking about the $$$$$$$$$$ to build this. he still didn't get it. so i asked him if they showed the new spiderman movie yet? he goes into the wt study they have there on monday night. that's when i asked him if the fds, really writes these mag's .he says no . i thought the gb writes these mag's and books. no it's the writing comm. and not annointed etc. he's catching on.could it be the cross i wear around my neck? next it's the waterfall shaped like a watchtower. i busted out laughing when he told me , the water would not flow over evenly, till they made it look like a wt.680 gallons a minute. in the laundry the fun starts. i ask him how much they pay for it how? oh it free now! i ask about the $14 a month bethelite pay ? he comes up with $110 a month and how that has to do with the subway fare in n.y.c . i slip in how the I>R>S> told wt accounts about 7 years ago ,any one taking a vow of poverity has to recieve@$100 a month. Now he wakes up . we go into this a little and he tells me he's an electrical engineer working for bethel for 18 years. i'm saying what a fool, and point out he could make $!00 before lunch any day working ibn the union. his eyes are opening and figures he's in for more. next is the display about how many langues they print in 230 for the wt aND ONLY 31 OF THE BIBLE . i bring up that the gideons and american bible soceity print in about 2500 languages. he was shocked. with 59 million bibles placed in 2002. . next it was about the print of the mag's and he said .60 cents to print each. . he backed away when i told him in 1991 i cost the wt about 3-4 cents each to print slave labor ,ink,paper ,and all next was the display of props they use to take pictures in the daniel book. he had no answers about the 2520 days or 1914 or 1919 the picture of the wild beast or why the wt joined the U.N.. at this point he started asking me questions?we got into wt legal , russia conventions. tax in france,norway, child molestors, the hughes case, glen how. etc etc he spend an extra 20 minutes talking to me after the tour was over. . this man was truly nice, and i knew enough to make this man think and question. and i thank you all here and elsewere for me giving a great witness ... john
bethel tour today. what a joke
by johnny cip 26 Replies latest jw friends
and i thank you all here and elsewere for me giving a great witness ... john
My pleasure.
I'm amazed he let you go so far with your topics... most JWs lock up at the first hint of any serious questions.
johnny cip
ty elsewere; i said so much i surprised also. when i brought up the july 26 convention in the ural mountains in russia . he was shocked i knew about what happened just last week. he didn't know about it. i started talking about the russian court case, the state in russia that left georgia last year. ubestastain , ka cockistain , etc. spelling. he could not keep up with me. i told him he would be reading about it next year in the wt. and to remember who told him first. we talked about a lot more i pressed him on the fds and new light etc. i was totally stumped he didn't one time defend the wt. all he defended was the watermelon that some jw donated, so they can have a nice dessert. john
johnny, I wish I could have been on that tour, just to listen and watch the tour guide's face.
Well done Johnny, would love to be a fly on the wall when he tells his room mates all about your visit.
"...would love to be a fly on the wall when he tells his room mates all about your visit."
I don't think he'll be telling too many about the visit... if he wants to stay there.
But, it sounds like he is a thinker. He will most likely leave on his own.
Jim TX
Yeah, I was blown away when I visited Patterson around 1997, I think it was still under construction but damn that place is something else.
And they were soooo proud of it. Bleh
Patterson Country Club.
As Danny says,
johnny you crack me up babe........lol...............que cojones!!
Ha! As soon as I saw the title of your thread here johnny, I started busting up. I said to myself: oh yea, johnny went to bethel, this will be a fun read.
You sure delivered on the fun!!
Hope you can come into the yahoo room and share you grand experience.
It amazes me they didn't even consider you might be there for foul play. It just goes to show that anyone can walk in there and have 'bad motives' and do harm.
Perhaps someday there just may be that Hall of Famed Apostates with all duly noted.
Love you much baby, sKally
Thanks for posting that, I've been there and could just picture you in each location minus the face (I just added Farkel avatar instead!)
My first thoughts on arriving at Patterson was..............Waco! http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/waco/graphics/retreat2.jpeg
and i thank you all here and elsewere for me giving a great witness ... john
My pleasure.
You make me laugh everytime you do that.