WT Run By Out Of Touch Old Men? Proof!

by metatron 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwbot

    My mother and I would always make ninja moves towards each other....like if at an assembly we were walking past each other and noticed each other, we would great with a little "haaawwwwww" *hands crossed ready for action*.

    I guess my mother is taking me straight to hell.

  • minimus

    jwbot, Your mama's cool.

  • jwbot

    I have a lot of respect for my mother and I look up to her. I really think she is one of the coolest and smartes people in the world and she has an awesome sense of humor. Her and I would have so much fun and even as a teenager, I thought she was cool enough that I really enjoyed hanging out with her and doing typical tennage-girl stuff with. I hope to be like that with my daughter when the time comes...unfortunately I have to realize she is still controlled by a high-control religion and that is not her fault. She is also the only one that talks to me although limited. I can not wait for the day when I am married and we can have full contact again although I am trying not to get my hopes up about it being the same as it was before :(

  • jwbot

    and now I am crying again. crap. This is hard, I want to get married now just so I can have that relationship with my mom again. I miss it so much!

  • minimus

    Why must you be married to have a relationship with your mom?

  • jwbot

    Well, because she said so, I guess because right now Mike and I are living in sin... to her and the rest of the family. My relationship is not taken seriously even though we WILL get married and we love each other and are commited to each other...it is not enough. I guess God hates you unless you have a certificate from the earthly government. :P

  • minimus

    jwbot, I'm sorry that you're so hurt by this. YOU gotta do what YOU gotta do!

  • jwbot

    Oh I know :) I am trying to be strong. It sucks sometimes...it really does but I can't please everyone, so I might as well work on myself and Mike and being mentally strong :)

  • shamus

    When there's nothing to do, make up congregational problems and deal with them.

    I was a skinhead who had a black barber that many men in the congregation went to. (at one point)

    Skirt lenths were a real problem, as I recall, and the subject of many talks.

    Meanwhile, a youth in our hall was being physically abused by his step-father, and the elders did nothing. 'wait on jehovah'. A lame cop-out made by stupid ignorant crotchety old men, with nothing better to do with they're time.

  • DaCheech

    How about the famous article on prostate cancer, telling us that this is a good thing that christians are moral

    because immoral thoughts can cause this illness!

    All doctors will tell you that frequent sex will help your prostate

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