The site changed but the atheist proseletyzing continues. Isn't it odd how our two Norwigs compliment each other in their attacks on God and the Bible? Well, Simon, you now have the honor of hosting a platform for the TRUE apostates to spew their anti-God venom.
This kind of thing is sadly typical of those who leave the WTS. You have a combination of those who feel sorry for themselves and their years of being deceived, those who have not even made a comparison of REAL Christianity to their cult experience and those who do not want to face the fact that a life without eternity in mind is a wasted life.
They ignore the stunning events of changed lives that follows a true conversion to Christianity. They ignore the mountainous evidence of the resurrection as a fact provable in a court of law. They ignore the Christian outreach programs that feed starving people when no one else will help, the totally funded programs for the poor, the orphans, the widows, the lost and forgotten people of the world. They rant about 'Mere Christianity' in the face of world events like moslem death squads, communist chinese hegemony and oppression, millions of babies being slaughtered in the womb, they accuse Christians of being 'sexist' for demanding the right to life, they cry about the USA executing convicted and fully appealed murderers.
Go figure, eh?