Atheists at it again

by Rex B13 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    The site changed but the atheist proseletyzing continues. Isn't it odd how our two Norwigs compliment each other in their attacks on God and the Bible? Well, Simon, you now have the honor of hosting a platform for the TRUE apostates to spew their anti-God venom.

    This kind of thing is sadly typical of those who leave the WTS. You have a combination of those who feel sorry for themselves and their years of being deceived, those who have not even made a comparison of REAL Christianity to their cult experience and those who do not want to face the fact that a life without eternity in mind is a wasted life.
    They ignore the stunning events of changed lives that follows a true conversion to Christianity. They ignore the mountainous evidence of the resurrection as a fact provable in a court of law. They ignore the Christian outreach programs that feed starving people when no one else will help, the totally funded programs for the poor, the orphans, the widows, the lost and forgotten people of the world. They rant about 'Mere Christianity' in the face of world events like moslem death squads, communist chinese hegemony and oppression, millions of babies being slaughtered in the womb, they accuse Christians of being 'sexist' for demanding the right to life, they cry about the USA executing convicted and fully appealed murderers.

    Go figure, eh?

  • Francois

    Show me the "mountainous evidence of the resurrection as a fact provable in a court of law."

    Show me.

    No excuses.

    No dodges.

    No bullshit.

    Show me a mountain. Hell, show me a hillock.

    Don't just shoot off at the mouth. Show me.

    Your bluff has been called, and I'm calling it. I'm also waiting.


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • Roamingfeline

    Good job, Francoise.

    I think the God of the bible is a Sadistic madman.


  • larc


    Of the items you mentioned, I would say that the biggest strength of many Christian groups is their charitable works. However, I can not comment on the charitable works of other religions, because I am not familiar with them.

    I agree with Francoise, that the belief in the resurrection is tenous. If you want to accept it as a matter of faith, that's one thing, but I don't think the proof is there.

    Regarding the killing of others, the Christians do not have clean hands. From the Crusades to the conquering of North and South America, Christians have a pretty bloody record.

  • GinnyTosken
    I'm also waiting.

    Francois is Waiting?

    Hey, Simon! Another multiple!

    Ginny (who would never have guessed)

  • patio34


    That was so funny!! "I'm also Waiting," Francoise says. And Waiting is my sister to boot! Boy!

    It's also an example of quoting out of context which is the point on Maximus's thread on Blood, WT, and Deceit.

    Thanks for the laughs!


  • bajarama

    Is it okay if I wait here with the rest of you? I brought some sandwiches, sleeping bags and toilet paper in case anybody has to go.

    Leaves just won't do the job.


  • Norm

    Hello Rex B13,

    I think I recognize the style of our old friend, foaming-at-the-mouth-raving-fundy-Bible-thumping-Promiskeeper old WW.

    Welcome to the board, I see you came in and immediately put your #7 pumps in your mouth. Can we expect the cut and paste fundy drivel that you usually post?

    I see you still haven't figured out that no one can be ANTI something that don't exist. I know we have tried to explain this to you before but Atheists can't be anti-God. God doesn't exist! No one could for instance be anti-Nazi if they didn't exist. The Bible is anti-God, you are anti-God. Got it? No, of course not.


  • Tina

    sigh- atheism isn't a religion,therefore one cant proselytize.
    Presenting scientific and other data is not proselytizing either.
    Although I can sense your frustration. All the pesky facts. What to do? lol
    You'd be surprised just how many humanists are out there in the helping professions. And they don't limit their help or assistance to certain 'groups'. They also dont impose a dogma on those they help.
    It would show tolerance if you could stop putting non-christians into this evil box you've constructed in your mind. Tina

  • Tina

    Yep thats WW lol. With his lovely brand of hate and death to all who dont believe his Promise Keepers? GAAAAAAHHHHHHH dont even get me started on THAT one,wink.Luv,Tina

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