BTW, I do react on this subject because it was a central one in my exit from the WT. By reading the NT I got convinced (1) that I had to partake in the Memorial (i.e. act as an "anointed" in the WT system) and (2) that the "two hopes" doctrine was pointless. I did act upon conviction # 1 before I reached conclusion # 2, but I don't see them as contradicting each other.
Falsely claiming to be annointed
by Margie 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Is it the person's or the BOE's responsibility?
A reasoning and sane person that has a Christian Conscience knows it is the persons responsibility -- but the WTBTS like to control people even though they do not admit it so they make it The BOE responsibility
I guess the only two motives for NOT counting a Memorial partaker is (1) the person is insane or (2) he/she is an apostate.
Because I was disfellowshipped a few weeks after the 1986 Memorial I understand I fell into the second category. Maybe it is the only one that matters after all: others were repeatedly counted if they did not question the WT teaching, yet they were openly considered as mild looneys in their congs...
Perhaps they will have new lite soon that the symbolic forty years and forty days in the wildernes was symbollic of 40,400 days because to god a thousand years is like a day so a week is like, therefore which is 110 years after 1914 is sometime in 2024 that they will no longer accept any new annointed claims.Heh.. its as wacky as anything THEY'VE come up with!
note: edited .. had to find my JCanon-U-Lator to make some adjustments in my New and Improved Prphesy.
wait.. ill have to think about it.
I am wondering whether the WTS teaches that there's any penalty for falsely claiming such.
Hi Margie...and Wecome,
This is a subject that they do not want to deal with at all..At the local level lets face it the"annointed"? don't affect the operations of the Borg at all.You can claim to be one but you have no POWER except at the local level...oh and you have to be a MAN to even have this little clout. A woman.. No power at all. If one of the Annointed at the local level ever tried to have imput to the head office they would find how important they really are.Of the 8500??? anointed left only I would guess 30 or more are in positions of power.It is a sham and a lie,but so is the whole thing.
Whats the big deal I can find droves of annointed at Assemblies of God, Southern Baptists, Independent Baptists, black Protestants, African Methodist Episcopal, African Methodist Episcopal Zion; Church of Christ, Churches of God in Christ, Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, National Baptist Church, National Progressive Baptist Church, Nondenominational, Pentecostal denominations, and the Presbyterian Church in America. All you need is some person believing the holy spirit is inside them.
As for the 2 class system lets see heaven land and pretty purgatory? I don't see the problem. BTW I believe the JWs you have to be insane to think the holy spirit not only exist but has taken residence inside your body. I will never understand people that claim to be sane born again christians.
They did write some rather pointed condemnation a few years ago calling it "partaking unworthily". The made it clear that doing so would result in judgment. I don't have references but I can remember it being about early 90s.
They did write some rather pointed condemnation a few years ago calling it "partaking unworthily". The made it clear that doing so would result in judgment. I don't have references but I can remember it being about early 90s. I remember this and will try and dig out and post the reference. It was caused by the fact that in the late 1980s / early 1990s the number of memorial partakers went up!
This claim to be of the anointed can cause rivalry. I saw a hall where a relatively young man partook, maybe in part because his older mother did. Then someone he studied with started partaking shortly after his baptism. There was an arrogance about these partakers that was offputting, to say the least. These people were studying older Watchtower publications, looking for secret lingo that only "anointed" people would know. (There's a verse in Revelation that says these ones sing a song that only they know. )
The situation came to a head, and everyone involved either left the JW's or changed congregations.
This two-class organization can cause some real stupid behavior among the JW's involved.