Just How Serious IS Depression . . . ?

by Corvin 26 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • shamus

    Cancer is either treatable or isn't. I wish that depression would go away. Frankly, I'd rather take my chances with cancer than have this, without hesitation. I think that kind of explains what depression is like. I get intense rage at everything, and had the pleasure of panic attacks thanks to my constant use of marijuana. (which I quit)

    The important thing is to stay positive when things happen. These days I force myself not to look back at past mistakes, and situations that I find myself in now. You do a lot of looking back and thinking worst case scenario's for the future.

    And dubs have nothing to do with depression whatsoever. It doesn't care what religion you are. Low seratonin has nothing to do with being a Jehovahs Witness. In fact, they're constant bombardment of shaming made me get help, and got me out of that bullshit. I owe a big debt of gratitude to the Jehovahs Witnesses, the way that they treated me.

    Check out www.wingofmadness.com for more information. That is one of the best sources I have seen on the net. There is a lot of dis-information, even here.

  • Corvin

    Frankly, I have been taking an anti-depressant consistently for about a year now. I can't tell you what a difference it has made in my life.

    I should have been taking them all along. I feel like I have missed so much of my life while in that dark unpenetrable place some of us live in. What I am not sure of is how much being raised a JW exaserbated my condition, or if it is all tied to the experience itself.

    The anti-depressant I take, Welbutrine, not only helps to regulate my moods, but it also affords me the chance to learn skills for dealing with life and people that my moderate to severe depression simply will not allow. I can breathe and take a look around now, I can think! I can keep focus and accomplish so much more than I could before.

    The type of depression I suffer from is Clinical depression. This is mostly seasonal. I can only explain it like this:

    This type of depression acts like the thermostat on your heater that has been set way too low. When things get warmed up and you are in the groove and being productive, the thermostat (depression) kicks in automatically and shuts down the heat . . . and all you can do is cool off into inactivity, hopelessness and dispair. But it sort of sneaks up on you until . . . you wake up one morning and wonder what the hell happened to all I was accomplishing? Where's my quality relationships and my excellent performance? It's all gone and now I have to start all over, but god! It is so hard to get it started again. You spend so many days and nights in a state of tumbledown until the fog slowly, painfully lifts, and only after you have had some major collisions, the heat comes back on. It is a frustrating cycle and you can't do anything about it.

    I plan to stay on the meds indefinitely so that I do not slip back into that place. The meds set the thermostat a little bit higher so you can keep warmed up to a more productive degree.

    I am pretty certain that I have a genetic disposition for depression, and I am also certain that being raised a JW contributed to the intensity of my condition. I am only getting better now, tho.

    Best Regards,


  • SheilaM

    Corvin I had clinical depression also ....one thing the Doctor DIDN't tell me is Wellbutrin is only for SHORT TERM USE after that it doesn't work ....I found that out when I called to get off it correctly, the nurse told me. I said thanks for letting me take it day in day out for over two years...anyways that is what I had. On the SeaSilver I am symptom free...not sure if it cured it or if it keeps it in check but heck it also helps with my allergies and other crap too so I just take it daily.

    Just wanted you to have a heads up on the Wellbutrin...

  • shamus
    being raised a JW exaserbated my condition

    Yes, I well remember going to meetings and coming home crying. The shame that they put on you is horrendous!

    Being raised a JW probably did exaserbate your condition. At the same time, nobody's childhood is perfect either. There are horror stories of drunks and crackheads raising kids too... so which is worse?

    I guess the thing that has really helped me, Corvin, is the outlook thing. Really really not thinking of past mistakes, be it true or made up in your mind (which happens a lot). Whenever I think of old things, I immediately tell myself to STOP and STOP LOOKING BACK.

    I've been on Paxil for years, and just recently switched to Remerol. Remerol has a nutty way of giving me crazy legs for about 2 hours...

  • Corvin
    And dubs have nothing to do with depression whatsoever. It doesn't care what religion you are. Low seratonin has nothing to do with being a Jehovahs Witness. In fact, they're constant bombardment of shaming made me get help, and got me out of that bullshit. I owe a big debt of gratitude to the Jehovahs Witnesses, the way that they treated me.

    I am a little experienced with this here, so I must respectfully disagree on this one point.

    Seratonin is released in the brain. It kicks in automatically when you need it (for normal people). The brain is a massive decision making muscle that absolutely must be exercised to stay healthy. The conditioning in the JW organization is such that it does not encourage or permit one to really use the brain properly and it does not allow for the brains natural ability to release chemicals such as seratonin that regulates your mood. Decisions, thought, perspective, thinking and people skills are so retarded in the organization that it can only ADD to the effects of the genetic disease you already have. How do I know? My doctor and I talk about alot of things, not just how I am feeling today.

    I am not blaming the origin or cause of the disease on the WTBTS, but hanging out with a large organization of neurotics and control freaks five times a week does not lend itself to better mental health for anyone.

    Kind Regards,


  • LyinEyes

    Some of us had drug addicted, child beating JW's for parents so that is pretty darn bad. Not to mention , everyone eles who added to the abuse, growing up, like other overbearing nosey elders and others.

    Corvin is so right about what he is saying.

    A person can be under so much stress that their brain will not , for whatever reason, produce enough serotonin and then the depression sits in. Then it is a visous cycle. I believe in some pamplets at doctors office they have a diagram of this cycle, sometimes dealing with pain, lack of sleep, etc, and how one thing feeds the fire for other the other problems and it just continues in motion in this cycle.

    And we all know how stressful being a JW can be. We are so busy feeling guilty, feeling not good enough that we get sick. Even physically in time. There have been so many exjw I talk to , including myself that live daily with a malady of pain syndromes. Most of us , still suffer from them,,,,,,,,,BUT........they are not as bad as when we were in the stressful situation of being a JW,,,,,,,all the things we had to do, sick or well, we had to go , go , go.

    Here is something interesting I read,,,,,, I have read it more than once. A person can have something very traumatic happen to them,,,,,usually happens before or around young adulthood.........and it can forever change their brain chemistry.

    Something so horrible , shocking, traumatic that it alters a person's brain chemistry, whereas they may not have been a depressed person before.

  • shamus
    A person can be under so much stress that their brain will not , for whatever reason, produce enough serotonin and then the depression sits in. Then it is a visous cycle.

    You are probably right to some extent. Really, the important thing is that you're getting help.

    I joined the Jehovahs Witnesses to cure my depression. HAHAHAH! I am being serious! Thinking that 'god' was going to cure my depression with delusions of paradise earth. God doesn't change seratonin levels, no matter what religion you are. You can pray until you're blue in the face.

    Man oh man, when I went on AD's, I saw right through the bullshit and why I was feeling so bad after meetings; because it was hammered into my head that anything that was wrong with me, or with people in the congregation (they were like serpents) was MY fault! Everything was my fault, and I just had to 'lean on jehovah' to cure it.

    I went against they're advice and seeked medical help. I have never regretted it one bit! I'm glad to see that others are doing well now too.

    I guess that's why I chose the name Shamus. That and it sounded like a cool scottish name....

  • codeblue

    Depression is SERIOUS..............

    People that are in a "high control group" or have been and left can suffer from depression easily.

    I have been fighting it for a year now....not very well either.


  • shamus
    I joined the Jehovahs Witnesses to cure my depression. HAHAHAH! I am being serious! Thinking that 'god' was going to cure my depression with delusions of paradise earth. God doesn't change seratonin levels, no matter what religion you are. You can pray until you're blue in the face.

    I just was thinking about what I posted here. Do you see the extent that someone will go to find relief?

    I used to really blame myself for what happened. Now I just accept that it happened and leave it at that. Now I'm free from guilt from my past 'sins' so to speak. I try to look to my future.

    It's nowhere as easy for those who were brought up in this religion to do this, and my post is not meant to belittle what you have all gone and still go through. Really, I'm still learning as are we all. What they did to you growing up in this group is disgusting. I know the shame that they heaped on you. They heaped it on me for the 5 or so years I was a dub, and know the feeling to that extent.

  • Corvin
    I joined the Jehovahs Witnesses to cure my depression. HAHAHAH! I am being serious! Thinking that 'god' was going to cure my depression with delusions of paradise earth. God doesn't change seratonin levels, no matter what religion you are. You can pray until you're blue in the face.

    I understand what you are saying. All my kids are teens and they are going through normal teen phases and often driving me up the wall lately. LOL, it is all part of life and raising kids. I wouldn't change anything, really. I have worked hard to get them away from the organization of zanies so that they can get through their teen years without all the crap heaped on them I had heaped on me. My ex-wife, however, is ever the perpetually "spiritually sick" JW fanatic who, although not allowing the JW doctrines to effect posative change in her personal life, uses every issue and opportunity to say that the kids are having challenges because they are not serving Jehovah. She just told me today on the phone that the kids really need to go back to the meetings or we are going to have such terrible devastating problems with them in the near future.

    I laughed and explained to her that her plan is highly flawed simply because she wants to force them to go someplace they utterly hate going to having their heads filled with information they know darn well is a load of crap. They also do not like the people either. She is intent on doing more damage to them. But to her, yes, all your problems is because you are not going to the meetings and out in field service, and if you would only just do it, then all your problems will magically go away and Jehovah will help you. Whenever she says things like that I point out that her and her JW husband have worse and more problems than most non-JW's and her going to meetings has not helped her whatsoever. She gets pissed and hangs up. Can't blame her for trying to blame Satan, you know.

    Anyway, my problems lessened considerably once I got the hell away from the org and its mind-washed members. After that, I could start to see what was left to deal with in my life. The sky clears a bit more everyday for me now.


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