Cancer is either treatable or isn't. I wish that depression would go away. Frankly, I'd rather take my chances with cancer than have this, without hesitation. I think that kind of explains what depression is like. I get intense rage at everything, and had the pleasure of panic attacks thanks to my constant use of marijuana. (which I quit)
The important thing is to stay positive when things happen. These days I force myself not to look back at past mistakes, and situations that I find myself in now. You do a lot of looking back and thinking worst case scenario's for the future.
And dubs have nothing to do with depression whatsoever. It doesn't care what religion you are. Low seratonin has nothing to do with being a Jehovahs Witness. In fact, they're constant bombardment of shaming made me get help, and got me out of that bullshit. I owe a big debt of gratitude to the Jehovahs Witnesses, the way that they treated me.
Check out for more information. That is one of the best sources I have seen on the net. There is a lot of dis-information, even here.