if the depression is congregation based
the depression is very serious, i almost found brainwashed individuals, i have had seven yrs of ptsd after they almost killed me.
it has to be remembered that a lot of these people are apostates regardless of here there or in the congreagation or wherever.
they push apostate views and that produces the effect of ill health, like in lamentations, i am ill all day long, etc
that depression is not normal, we saw it in congregations too, a strange tiredness that produces m.e. type symptoms ie unable to move or think clearly. it wasnt just simple depression it was the result of truly apostate brain beating not just having an argument getting df'ed and ending up here or somewhere else. some are in psychiatric units because of those effects and teachings.the depression does not need more jw therapy preaching meetings etc, that tactic was sickening when i saw it done, as far as i saw they need a return to normal daily living with milk and cookies so to speak till they get better. without pressure or brain beatings. which some areas have carried out. i have known people nearly suicidal, plz never take that course call an ambulance or whatever. that effect is a miswired jw brain unfortunately, and yes i have reported it to the police to get it stopped. they never saw my friends shaking in the corner with 2 nervous breakdowns yrs of hell running round preaching while they sat on their fat arses. that effect as i said can be very serious, especially if it comes from those apostate seared ones. they produce demonism so that produces severe mental abnormality, like voodoo or witchcraft.
some of the effects of those type of teachings produce violent outbursts, as they are the teachings of balaam, and the madness of those men became apparent to everybody. jesus said about demonic effects, like possesion those kind can come out by nothing except fasting and prayer, think fasting if youve got that effect put the articles down plz, and leave them alone, the errors in them a form of chirping to produce spiritistic effects.
loving people do not do such things, and shouldnt, they just care and help, the answer is not preaching, love and kindness works better. reassociation with the things that brought it on can and may well excaberbate the situation, please consult a doctor or psychologist not an elder or a watchtower.
jw treatment is not legal even, they are at best only quacks sometimes. plz consult youre own doctor not them, but of course verifiable info is acceptable.
plz accept my love and kindness, in a spirit of freindship. in my opinion that depression is different its a brain beating effect please consult a doctor if you or youre relatives have such things