Hi everyone,
Thank you for all your answer,
Please, please, please do not give me "right now" the reason why your answer may be yes or may be no. It makes it too difficult for me to understand your answer. Yes in future questions I will ask for clarification on your answers but only after giving me a clear answer no matter what your answer will be.
At this time I would appreciate a plain and clear answer to my questions.
It seems rather difficult for you to give a plain and clear answer like, “Yes I believe that Jesus was THE creator exactly as John said It.” or “No I don’t I believe that Jesus was THE creator exactly as John said it.” John 1:1-14, but believe me answering my questions by a clear yes or by a clear no, one by one; without any explanations for the moment, will be a much faster way for me to understand your teachings.
If ALL things came into existence, if ALL things came into life through Jesus, and apart from Jesus not even one thing came into existence or came into life. Do you believe that Jesus was THE creator or was not THE creator exactly as John said?
" ALL things came into existence THROUGH (because of) him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence" John 1:3, N.W.
Do you believe (yes or no), the WORLD WAS MADE, WAS FABRICATED, WAS PRODUCED, (Webster’s Definition for the word “Made”) BY JESUS CHRIST as John said?
"He was in the world, and THE WORLD WAS MADE BY HIM, and the world knew him not." John 1:10.
Do you believe (yes or no), word for word what the Father said to Jesus in this particular verse?
"YOU AT THE BEGINNING, O Lord, laid the foundation of the earth itself, and the heavens are the works of YOUR hands" Hebrews 1:10 N.W.