Anyone ever had a problem with a bat?

by desib77 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • desib77

    My husband went to take our dog out for his nightly walk last night and as they were headed down the staircase (dark) there was something flipping around. Both my husband and dog ran back upstairs. We both peeked around the corner and shined a flashlight on it. It stayed very still and was right next to a small lizard.......and we are 99% sure it was a bat. We've also heard recently about bats in our area having rabies. Before this I had always thought bats lived only in caves. Guess I was wrong. Anyway, my husband started to scare it with a broom and finally it flew away.

    That was such a strange experience. Anyone else ever have something like that happen?

  • Valis

    hiya and working near downtown has always brought the odd run in with a bat. I welcome them around my house because of all the stupid mosqiutos we have to deal with. I know in downtown Dallas for instance, sometimes the olde sonar doesn't work so we well and the bats can tell where the building is and boink...they fall, get disoriented and then will fly away. It amazing, because some fall from great distances and still get back up and fly away...If you want to keep them from around the immediate vicinity maybe try finding a couple trees away and high up from your place, then make a couple simple bat houses for them...


    District Overbeer

  • Scully

    Bats will pretty much live anywhere they can find shelter and a ready supply of their favorite foods.

    At least a couple of times every summer, we will have a bat flapping around the corridor in the hospital where I work. Makes for an interesting shift. LOL

    Love, Scully

  • LyinEyes

    Hey Desi.........

    I heard that there were several cases of rabies( bats) in the Texas area, my pop in law said Amarillo, Texas. That is scarey,,,huh? Be careful, but then again maybe it was Dracula trying to make a visit.....

    As you know we live in about 45 mins. from Shreveport, out in the country, and there are soooooo many bats all over the place, they love to make their appearance at dusk.

  • Valis
  • Lehaa

    not personally, but here in Melbourne we have a huge problem with fruit bats. Lie in the gardens ib the city, make a horrible mess ank racket.

    Personally, i think they are cute.

  • desib77
    they fall, get disoriented and then will fly away

    This one seemed to be disoriented. My husband said when it was flopping around he thinks it was trying to get away.

    We live in an apartment complex so I'm not sure if they would approve of us making bat houses. I think we will be letting them know about it though. I don't think I would have a problem with them as long as they leave me alone....I don't like the thought of them possibly having rabies, though.

  • Valis

    I also just remembered. There have also been some reports of bats being infected w/West Nile virus. So a bunch of dead birds or bats could mean infected mosquitos in your don't mean to make you paranoid...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • desib77
    I heard that there were several cases of rabies( bats) in the Texas area, my pop in law said Amarillo, Texas. That is scarey,,,huh? Be careful, but then again maybe it was Dracula trying to make a visit.....

    Hi Lyin',

    I think that near here there was a case of someone getting bit by one and getting rabies. I think he even donated his organs and they were infected with rabies.....something like that. I'm not sure exactly what the details of the story are.

  • Valis


    District Overbeer

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