What did you do when you were 35-week pregnant. I'm so tired. I feel like I'm barely making each day. Some says that I would get more energy. But NO! I have less energy than ever. What did you girls do?
Ok. To all the women (mothers) posters
by sunshineToo 19 Replies latest jw friends
Lady Lee
35 weeks first time - knit and knit and learned how to crochet and not a whole lot else
35 weeks second time - on full bed rest for high risk pregnancy - couldn't even knit or contractions would start so I read - man was I bored after 5 weeks lying in bed (baby was born at 36 weeks)
Now my daughter who just had a baby boy at 40 weeks was still insisting on doing the laundry but she did a whole lot of watching TV - amazing how many channels you can get on satellite
That last month is so boring - all you want is that baby O-U-T
This is a good thing because by the time the baby is "here" you are very ready for it
oh and congrats
Hi Sunshine,
Congratulations!! I say SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP. Go ahead, you are allowed. Do you work, or have other children, if not, go for it. If you work, could you ask to begin your maternity leave now, or start a part time schedule until you deliver? You may want to have the doctor check your iron to make sure you dont need a supplement. But if that is not the case, then this is a normal part of the process. I remember being way tired the first few months up until 3 months. The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is a breeze, your energy is back you feel great, people start feeling your tummy, all that is fun. The third trimester gets hard again especially down towards the end. You are almost there now and your body is getting ready for the big day. So rest up all you can, and dont feel bad or guilty about sleeping, because you need it. Sleep now while you can, all that changes after the baby is here. I feel for you, and understand how you feel. Just think, in just a few weeks you will be holding your baby in your arms, and look back on this and know just how worth it it all is.
Congratulations again, motherhood is such a beautiful thing!
can't help I gave birth at 30 weeks (like my mother for all her kids) but I felt great from A to Z,
I just wish the best sunshinetoo
First all congrats on the little one!
Second your body is telling you something = REST! I say go with it get lots of rest, it will be your last uninterrupted rest for a couple of years (or more). Enjoy it while it last! Take this time to pamper yourself, you'll be too busy "pampering" the baby soon.
Kate (who is still catching up on my rest after raising 5........)
Congrats on the baby on the way!!!!!!
I have three children and went over two on the first two, and the last one wanted to be born at 30 weeks , but was able to hold off by being in ICU, until 32 weeks.
Girl , you are almost there.......the lack of energy is your way of your body telling you to take it easy. Pamper yourself and let others pamper you.......if you are lucky enough to have some help.
When i was 35 weeks i was chasing a toddler. And dealing with 2 older children having problems with school.
I only wished i could get some sleep.
I drank alots of water, slept whenever i could, ate small but fequent meals (so i wouldnt get that full sleepy feeling)
Plus i demanded that the doctor induce at 38 weeks, which didnt happen because since this was my fourth child the girl practically walked out waving!
One thing that was cool, was that i drank red rasberry tea, the night before and it helped with the labor. Its supposed to soften the cervix.
lol I got off track!
I guess drink lots of water and get plenty of rest.
((KATE)) 5 babies! wow!
1st time ----> trying to get my overbearing sis to GO HOME and get out of my face (middle drug crazed one) Dealing with my Dad's leaving, my Mom being on ValiumI went swimming a lot and was brown as a berry LOL
2nd time---------->I was taking homebirth classes and preparing .....sleeping a lot (no wait I do that now too) Chasing after a 2 year old and trying to get her fully potty trained
PS your almost there..take nice cool baths ..they have great Lavendar baby lotion (I use it) and that is soooo calming...Do relaxing exercises......stretching enjoy the thought that your baby is getting plumper and chubbier at this time. That the lil one is fully formed just waiting for birth....just getting the lungs ready to breath.....That your carrying life AHHHHH
The first and third trimesters are fraught with overwhelming fatigue!! It's normal!!
At 35 weeks, your baby is growing at an incredible rate of ½ - 1 ounce per day... that requires a lot of energy from you. Make sure you're well hydrated, and eating properly. Lots of fruit and veggies and lean chicken, fish, beef or pork. Seafood is good too. Stay away from the empty calories; although your baby needs to put on some extra padding at this point, you don't!
Fatigue is your body's way of telling you to REST. This is helping you prepare for your baby's arrival. Don't worry about this. In a few weeks, you will have a burst of energy just before the baby is ready to be born (it's called the "nesting" instinct) where you will be able to get lots of things done.
Enjoy the opportunities to get some extra rest while you have the chance. Once your little one arrives, you can kiss sleeping through the night good-bye for about 6 months.
Now, off to bed with you!
Love, Scully
Just one note here, i had in my second preg. extreme fatigue in the same time period u are in. I called the doc and they thought it was the uaual thing, but it persisted. so i went in and my blood pressure was up and i was on the verge of toxemia. so it might not hurt to check in with your doc, if u have not done so as this point. won't hurt, now will it? btw, i was placed on antibiotics and other meds and bed rest and got better right away.