Good point, Wed!
If our momma is fine with the doctor.......then sleep all she can.....with absolutely no guilt attached!
Congratulations to all the mommas!
waiting - 3 grown, 1 grandboy
by sunshineToo 19 Replies latest jw friends
Good point, Wed!
If our momma is fine with the doctor.......then sleep all she can.....with absolutely no guilt attached!
Congratulations to all the mommas!
waiting - 3 grown, 1 grandboy
Thank you everyone for your posts.
I took a nap for an hour today before I started working. Yes, I'm still working for 3 - 5 hours a day. I teach piano at home. So it is not too bad. But it still takes a lot of energy from me. I still have to come up with a creative dinner idea everyday to make it easier for me.
Stef, I'll remember the rasberry tea.
Wednesday, thank you for your advise. I'm going to see my doctor next week. So far my blood pressure has been good even though I've been having swellen feet, legs and hands. I'm trying to cut down on salt.
I wish I can just crochet all day without working. I'm working only for 3 weeks this month, and I'm off for a month. Hopefully everything goes well. The baby is in head-down position already. He is getting ready to make a flashy entrance to the world.
Im with them.
Take it easy. By that time in my prenancy I was going stir crazy and my "nesting" phase had already started, I cleaned like a banshee and took no time to rest.
Now is a good time to pack your bags, go shopping for baby stuff, and laze around! Dont put too much on yourself. As for dinner, frozen pizza is always good!
Sunshine...I remember being 35 weeks pregnant...tired, uncomfortable, impatient, grumpy. It'll be ok, listen to your body. I remember feeling like my body was inhabited by this little alien and I just wanted my body back. Enjoy the time, this is the last time the baby will be this portable!
I just saw this thread and boy do I feel your pain sister!!!!!!!! I am due this week and am bored out of my mind (see thread entitled "waiting and waiting" LOL)
I was moving long distance at 35 weeks, but slept for a couple weeks when we arrived here. I think that the best thing I do for myself is sleep when I'm tired. Even if it's a 20 minute catnap it really helps.(although the 20 min naps usually turn into at least hour long naps )
Best of luck to you and many baby belly rubs!!!!
I'd rather want this baby to come out 2 or 3 weeks earlier. It's kinda scary, but I'm going to try to enjoy the moment. I've hired a doula and am planning to use epidural.
I was still working at 35 weeks, gave birth at 39 weeks.........worked the day I gave birth but I had a job that had me on the go all the time so I was used to the moving around and it kept me from gaining too much weight...23 pounds in all and the doctor was worried I was not gaining enough at the end but it was because I so active.....not from not eating, just ask Sassy about her special banana splits!!!
Everyone is different, all babies are carried differently and weigh different don't compare, get your rest and check with your doctor.
I've been in your shoes (which probably fit kinda funny right now due to the water retention,lol) five times, so I'm feeling for you.
Like everyone else, I slept as much as I possibly could those last few weeks.
I tried to get outdoors every day, but since most of my kids were winter babies, this wasn't always possible, due to icy conditions. Getting outdoors for a bit seemed to help me sleep better.
I went shopping for whatever baby things I hadn't picked up yet, like diapers, soap, etc. I would make sure to stop in the baby clothing aisles and look at all of the adorable little things and remind myself that in the next few weeks, I would be holding my little one, and they would be wearing those impossibly tiny things, lol.
I also went shopping for a special gown,comfy socks, robe and slippers to wear at the hospital for the first three, and for me to wear at home for the last two, who were born at home. Somehow, buying the nursing gown, robe and slippers really helped me to prepare mentally for birth. Also, I would buy chapstick for during labor. For me, cherry chapstick was a necessity-just couldn't have that baby without it,lol.
I made sure I had lots of paper plates and cups on hand, and the numbers of the local takeout places posted. I put a few casserole type meals in the freezer, but mostly we just had take out for a few weeks after the babies were born. When our last one was born, my friends asked me what we wanted for gifts, and I told them meals for the family. They arranged to bring in dinner every night for a week, and this was the best gift I think we ever got.
I had a copy of one of Sheila Kitzinger's books on pregnancy and birth, which I would look at every day. It had beautiful photos, and I loved her philosophy on birth and motherhood.
I read lots of "bubblegum" paperback novels, too:)
I had my sisters and my mother come over lots to keep me company.We ate lots of nutritional food and some that was not so nutritional but comforting. They were also great about helping out with chores around the house, and my little sister painted my toe nails for me when I could no longer reach them (I reciprocated when she had her kids-it kind of became a family tradition,lol).
Later, when I lived hundreds of miles away from my family, I had a couple of high school aged girls in the congregation who were sort of surrogate sisters,and we would hang out together like my sisters and I had.
I kept a journal throughout my entire pregnancies, and I found that I had more time to write in it toward the end of my pregancies.
I finished decorating the nursery.
With one baby, I drew my own birth announcements, and had my dad take them in to the print shop where he worked (and the really odd part is, the baby I drew looked EXACTLY like my son).
I rented all of the "Look Who's Talking" movies and watched them, and any other baby themed movie I could find.
I practiced relaxation and visualization exercises every day.I would listen to certain cds when I did this, and then I used those cds while in labor. Because of the practice before hand, when I heard the music during labor, I had an almost automatic relaxation response. Later, the same music would calm the baby when they started crying.Since you play piano, maybe you could record yourself playing some particularly meaningful pieces for you, and try this.
When my daughter was at that stage, a friend and I had a mother's rite of passage ceremony for her, in which we had a candle ceremony, read poetry to her, adorned her with flowers, and gave her gifts just for herself (one of which she refused to take off the whole time she was in labor, lol). You can learn about rite of passage ceremonies on the net. If I'd known about them when I had my babies, I wouldn't have hesitated to do something like that for myself.
There are also, according to my daughter, great message boards on the net. She's made some good online friends at a couple of her mommy boards.
I used to make up mommy gift baskets and give them to the expectant mothers in the congregation at 35 weeks. It would have bath salts, lotion, a little box of chocolates, a book of some sort to read, and other little things in it for the mom to pamper herself.I'd do the same thing for myself, too;)
My best to you and your little one:)
I spent a lot of time in the hot tub... although the doctor said I needed to turn the temperature down to body temperature or just below that.. and not up to the hot hot tub temperature. Don't overheat the baby and cause it distress in the womb.
It was great to float in the hot tub and run the jets on all my aching muscles, especially my back, and feel that weightlessness.
Special K
Sorry you are having a rough time of it. I worked up till the 38th week and felt great throught the pregnancy. I hope you get your energy back you're going to need it!! :)