"All who have taken their stand on the side of Jehovah must abide in his organization under Christ, if they would live. There is no exception to this rule...The name "Jehovah's Witnesses" applies specifically to God's annointed ones who have been taken out of the world and made witnesses for Jehovah, and these alone bear the new name. The official organization of Jehovah on earth consists of his annointed remnant, and the Jonadabs who walk with the annointed are to be taught but not be leaders." WT Aug 15 1934 pg 249
Interesting quote for many reasons isn't it. Notice they disenfranchised the Jonadabs by saying they are not 'Jehovah's Witnesses' and not part of his 'official organization' and can never have 'leader' positions because they are not 'annointed who have been taken out of the world' (ie..picked by God).