Spent a bunch of money getting the car ready for the trip, buying silly clothes to avoid the looks I'd get if we show up with the same old KH outfits; plus the money spent in hotel stay and the food consumed at lunch and dinner out the 4 days. It's an awful expense when you factor in the time taken off from work for this event too.
The outcome of all this effort? NOTHING NEW, of course!!! Just the same old talks and warnings I hear day in and day out at the Kingdom Hall.
I'll try to make the best of it, but I'm sure to be bored out of my mind most of the time. Do you have any recommendations on what to do that's fun to pass the time while sitting there all those hours?
The money spent in these events balances out with the money non-believers spend in their holiday celebrations. The only thing is that the non-believers get some real fun out of their celebrations.
Anybody else going to the convention, or that has gone already and has something new to tell me?!