Are you happy about who you are? Do you look down upon yourself? Are ya feelin' pretty good about yourself these days???
How Do You Regard Yourself?
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
fleaman uk
Yep feeling pretty good and for the most part i,m happy with the way things have turned out!
Not happy, trying to be. I am still going thru the painful process of realizing I was a member of a cult for 30 years.
ill at ease
Doubtfully Yours
Feeling pretty good these days! Thanks for asking, Minimus.
i only have chest hair on one side.
other than that, no complaints. feelin pretty good.
Well ... could be better, at least I feel good for today ... but still I have new dead line in 10 days to get things finished for good and it will be the beginning or the end. Not my choice !
Feel like I'm un-learning most of the stuff that I was force fed from being a child... some of the stuff I'm revisiting is painful, some feels good to get rid of.
Have my good days and angry days, but for the most part I'm relieved to be mentally unleashed!!
I regard myself as very fortunate (notice the word "lucky" was rooted out of me by JW's? :) if I do the following:
1.Get up early and exercise in some way
2.Learn a new skill no matter how small or silly
3.Add one word to my vocabulary each day
4.Write a small monograph on something that interests me and then read it a day later
5.Spend time around children
6.Compose a piece of music or edit one I've already worked on
7.Keep up with world events and try to find an objective middleground for judging those events
8.Take any paragraph in any Watchtower publication and root out the hidden persuaders (mostly adjectives and introductory clauses).
9. Avoid passive days; find a way of being active
10. Get out of the house as soon as possible!
I hope that answers the question. I should add one to the above. Associating with people such as the one's on this group is quite delightful!
I regard myself as A WORK IN PROGRESS. It is all up to me how it turns out.
I like to read your questions, keep them coming.
The answer to this questions is, in my case, no I'm not happy. If I was single and younger, maybe I would be able to re-arrange my life over. But now, it's too late. At least, it's late if I intend to keep the peace in my home. My husband married me when we both were in the borg., and he thinks of me as this little goody-too-shoes that doesn't kill a fly. Eventhough we are no longer JW's, he still holds very dear many of the ideals of the so called "thruth". I cannot be as independent as I would like to be.