I have been thinking lately how being raised a JW taught me to be a terrible friend.
To a JW friendship is completely conditional. If you don't share the same beliefs as me, you cannot be my friend. If you offend my conscience, you cannot be my friend. If someone(the org) tells me you cannot be my friend, you cannot be my friend. If we disagree about anything religious, you cannot be my friend.
Not all witnesses are this extreme, but this is what is taught.
I have realized over the years that I had learned to take frienships too lightly, transcient and as disposable. Maybe it was just a personality flaw, but I think it was one of the many bad habits I learned from the witnesses. All it takes is one close friend getting DF'd and you must make a choice between friendship and following the org's direction. I too often followed direction and the lessons and bad habits I learned stayed with me.
So what do you think? Do or did JW teachings bastardize friendships and make them less of value for you?
Any experiences?