Fired for eating pork........

by closer2fine 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • closer2fine

    Woman Fired For Eating 'Unclean' Meat

    Attorney: 'It's A Classic Case Of Religious Discrimination'

    POSTED: 5:46 am EDT August 4, 2004 UPDATED: 2:53 pm EDT August 4, 2004 ORLANDO, Fla. -- A Central Florida woman was fired from her job after eating "unclean" meat and violating a reported company policy that pork and pork products are not permissible on company premises, according to Local 6 News. Lina Morales was hired as an administrative assistant at Rising Star -- a Central Florida telecommunications company with strong Muslim ties, Local 6 News reported.

    However, 10 months after being hired by Rising Star, religious differences led to her termination.

    Morales, who is Catholic, was warned about eating pizza with meat the Muslim faith considered "unclean," Local 6 News reported. She was then fired for eating a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich, according to the report.

    "Are you telling me they fired you because you had something with ham on it?" Local 6 News reporter Mike Holfeld asked.

    "Yes," Morales said.

    Holfeld asked, "A pizza and a BLT sandwich?"

    " Yes," Morales said.

    Local 6 News obtained the termination letter that states she was fired for refusing to comply with company policy that pork and pork products are not permissible on company premises.

    However, by the company's own admission to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, that policy is not written, Local 6 News reported.

    "Did you ever sign to or agree to anything that said I will not eat pork?" Holfeld asked Morales.

    "Never," Morales said. "When I got hired there, they said we don't care what religion you are."

    Attorney Travis Hollifield is representing Morales in a lawsuit against the company.

    "It's just un-American," Hollifield said. "It's not in compliance with the laws of this country."

    Local 6 News reported that the case has precedent-setting issues because it addresses employee rights and religion in the workplace.

    "It's a classic case of religious discrimination," Hollifield said. "They have not articulated a single reason other than religious reason behind the policy."

    The CEO of Rising Star, Kujaatele Kweli, told Local 6 News that they have tried to create an office that accommodates anybody's religion -- not just Islam.

    "Clearly you're accommodating," Holfeld said.

    "Yes." Kweli replied.

    "And you have an ecumenical philosophy," Holfeld said.

    " Yes," Kweli replied.

    "(Then) shouldn't you be able to accommodate all faiths in the same lunch room?" Holfeld asked.

    "We do, we can," Kweli said.

    "But you've dismissed one of your employees for eating pork in the lunch room," Holfeld said.

    "Yes, pork is considered unclean," Kweli said.

    The Koran forbids Muslims from eating pork. And according to Kweli, Morales and every employee at the company is advised of the no pork policy.

    "Our point of view is to respect the laws of the land and the laws of the land as I understand it is to the accommodate people's right to practice their religions if you can," Kweli said.

    "Even if it impacts other people?" Holfeld asked.

    "Well, it always impacts other people," Kweli replied.

    Orlando attorney Mark Nejame is close to the Muslim community, Local 6 News reported. He said Kweli's intentions may cross constitutional parameters, according to the report.

    "They're making it seem that if you don't follow a certain set of religious practices and beliefs then you're going to be terminated and that's wrong," Nejame said. "If this case prevails, what it will mean -- the implications of this case -- is it will eliminate accommodations of religion."

    Both sides are steadfast in their belief that they are right. Morales is taking the company to court charging discrimination, Local 6 News reported.

  • RR

    LOL ... well if they can prove that she violated their law and that she was aware of it, then she doesn't have a case!


  • Mary

    Well what else can you expect from Islam? I'm amazed they didn't try to execute her for offending "Allah". After all, she's 'only' a woman.

  • undercover

    Religion is so stupid.

    well if they can prove that she violated their law and that she was aware of it, then she doesn't have a case!

    This didn't happen in a muslim country. It didn't happen in a muslim church. It happened in the USA. Muslim religious laws do not supercede American laws. American laws say something about freedom of religion, sure. But it also has laws about discrimination. To fire this woman for religious reasons is discrimination. There are also laws requiring company policies to be written to be able to be enforced. This policy wasn't written, therefore it can't be enforced. She has an excellent case on every front.

  • Texas Apostate
    Texas Apostate

    Yep... Those muslim people sure are tolerant of other people..

    Tolerance my a%@

  • Elsewhere

    LMAO! Those morons are as stupid as JWs... they think that religious freedoms apply only them themselves and not to anyone around them.

    No way this will fly... that company will be slapped with a major fine if they don't get their act straight.

  • bull01lay

    I hope she wins this - as 'multicultural' nations, we are expected to be accommodating in all areas of life, for all ethnic, cultural and religious differences. It's about time we were accommodated by the minorities too!!


  • simplesally

    Sounds like a good case to me, hope she wins!

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    This is a disgusting case. This woman was not being discriminated because of her religion-she's Catholic- or her lack of being Muslim. I am not an expert on the Catholic religion, but I do tend to remember little quirks I hear about religions. I have never heard of any Caholic requirement that requires that one eat pork products while at work.

    I have a genuine issue with an individual, who after receiving a warning, along with an explanation, continues to disrespect the wishes of her employer. How much of a hardship, really, was it for her to have made a turkey sandwich for lunch rather than frying up the bacon and making the BLT.

    While I respect the notion of standing up for an issue, here was an employer, who genuinely wanted to bring glory to his version of god in everything he did. What he was asking was not all that discriminatory against this employee. Had he demanded that all his employees refrain from eating pork ALL the time, or stop several times a day, to face Mecca, and pray to Allah, I would be singing a different tune.

    It sounds to me that this plaintiff created her own tort here. That doesn't sit well with me, and I don't repect the attorney who took this case (I wouldn't be surprised if this attorney was on board BEFORE the BLT). I hope this disappears in summary judgment.


  • codeblue

    Well, let's see: Is this company located in the USA?

    Then they better be abiding by the policies of the USA and the grounds for which they have terminated her have abused her rights as a US citizen!!!

    If that company doesn't want to abide by the policies of the USA, they need to move out of the USA to a country where they can make their own rules.

    I have worked for a temporary employment agency, this woman has rights and she has been abused by her employer!!!


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