Fired for eating pork........

by closer2fine 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    I have to disagree with you on this Shoshana... it all comes down to whether the employer has the right to impose their own religious views onto an employee.

    I say no. I would be seriously pissed off if my employer told me that my actions were against his religion and then punished me for it. This reeks of tyranny.

    If this flys, then anyone who works for a predominantly Catholic company could be fired for eating meat on Friday... or someone who works for a predominantly Jewish company could be fired if they are found to work on their home on Saturday... or even someone who works for a predominantly Christian company could be fired for not converting to Christianity.

    Supporting the view of the company will have a very divisive effect on the country.

  • bull01lay

    I beg to differ La Capra

    The comments in the reporters interview from them was "The Koran forbids Muslims from eating pork."

    She was not muslim, therefore they were forceing their religious beliefs upon her.

    We have a society of political correctness, where every one and everything has to be tiptoed around, so as not to cause offence. I hope the judge throws the book at them and their intolerance - just like they'd be crying for if an employer only served pork in it's cafeteria!


  • bull01lay

    Yay codeblue:

    If that company doesn't want to abide by the policies of the USA, they need to move out of the USA to a country where they can make their own rules.

    Pretty much how I feel, so long as they don't come over to England!


  • confusedjw

    I wonder if she is required to do other things that the Koran requires of Muslims - although not being one?

    For instance could someone hired by JW's be fired for wishing someone "Merry Christmas"?

  • Elsewhere

    The news report mentions a quote from the Qur'ran, 5:4: "Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood and flesh of the swine and that which hath been invoked the name other than Allah".

    If she gets her job back, she can raise hell by blessing all of the food in the kitchen in the name of Jesus. I wonder what the Moslems will think of that. Will they still think that imposing one's religious views onto another person is right?

  • Mary
    La Capra said: I have a genuine issue with an individual, who after receiving a warning, along with an explanation, continues to disrespect the wishes of her employer. How much of a hardship, really, was it for her to have made a turkey sandwich for lunch rather than frying up the bacon and making the BLT.

    OK, now lets apply this logic to something we're more familiar with. If a "worldly" person is hired by a Witness and has for lunch something containing blood---let's say: blood sausage; does the Witness employer have the right to fire her because she didn't comply with what his/her religious beliefs demanded? Of course not. It's none of their business what she eats. They may not like it but this isn't Nazi Germany or an Islamic country and people are free to eat what they want, when they want. If these Muslims were that worried about someone eating pork, then perhaps they should have hired a Muslim.

    While I respect the notion of standing up for an issue, here was an employer, who genuinely wanted to bring glory to his version of god in everything he did. What he was asking was not all that discriminatory against this employee.

    Sorry, I disagree. It was extremely discriminatory as it's none of their business what she eats. I agree that it might be callous on her part, but that's no reason for dismissal. One of my co-workers is a Jew. When we go out for lunch, I will refrain from eating pork or shellfish, not because she demands it, but simply out of respect for her beliefs. It's when we start demanding that everyone else comply with OUR religious beliefs that we run into trouble. Plus, I have a major problem with the way more and more Muslims are trying to introduce their rules into OUR Society. This land is a democracy---Islam is as far away from democracy as you can get.

  • avishai

    Shoshanna, I love ya and love your posts, but are your views on this based on your political or religious beliefs?

  • jwbot

    I guess I read the article wrong La Capra: I did not see the part where she made her Muslim employers eat her lunch!!!!

  • undercover
    here was an employer, who genuinely wanted to bring glory to his version of god in everything he did. What he was asking was not all that discriminatory against this employee.

    Companies can't hire, fire or in any other way discriminate against an employee or potential employee based on religion. This company said it was against company policy to eat pork because it was against the company owner's religion. The lady was fired based on religious grounds. Against the law. On top of that, the policy was never written, it was a verbal policy. Verbal policies don't stand up in court.

    If the company had a written policy that stated that no pork shall be eaten on company property and never mentioned the religious aspects of it, then maybe, maybe, the company would have a case.

    If this guy was so keen on bringing glory to Allah, maybe he needed to get in the religion business, open a church and stay out of the corporate world.

  • Elsewhere
    If the company had a written policy that stated that no pork shall be eaten on company property and never mentioned the religious aspects of it, then maybe, maybe, the company would have a case.

    Even that would be a major long shot... that would be LOST. Christians have already tried to create "Christian Only" companies and have had their asses sued off.

    A person or group can open a "private club" or church and refuse to allow people to join for religious reasons... but employers cannot do this. The instant employment is at issue there can be no discrimination.

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