....or even, "What's the stupidest organizational rule that you know of"?
What Was The Stupidest Rule In Your Hall?
by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends
Thou shalt not kill!
In my current cong (of which I haven't been in over a year and a half) there were basically no stupid rules. If you could remove the WTBTS it is a great place to hang out. And several of the coolest people in the circuit have just moved in making it even better! But alas how do you get over 1914 / Generation / 586 v 607 / Blood / Disfellowshipping / Loyalty over All to the WTBTS / ?
Can't do it, even for people I love and like.
That you must go there.
That you must go there.
My sister just got a "we miss you at the meetings" letter from a young 'friend' as she's not been attending every meeting recently. Blech!!
No gum chewing and all loud children must be taken to the washroom's as not to interfere with the mind programming of the meeting.
having to drive a four door car
Overheard by me: an older elder, after a meeting where poor participation in the weekly KH clean up has been ranted: "These brothers and sisters who don't show up to clean: they're going to get to Armeggedon and be in for a huge surprise." He said this with a look of disgust and irritation and bitterness.
I went home and really thought on that one. Show up to clean or lose your ever lasting life, it's blasphemy if you hit Armeggedon with a bad KH cleaning record.
They also did not bring meals for the sick and those who had babies,etc. We got blacklisted mainly because we tried to start a program to do this and they didn't like it. Nawwwww, we wouldn't want to encourage anybody would we? Make someone's life worth living? No way. Help out those that need it? What an unchristian idea. What was I thinking.
Not all halls were like that one thank goodness.
That is amazing. -
OMG Flying! That's just NUTS!!!